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2007 Economic Census Release Schedule

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2002 Business Expenses Survey

Sector 00: All BES Sectors

Industry Series

BES: Ind: Sales & Op Exp by Kind of Business (2002 NAICS): 2002
BES: Ind: RSEs for Sales & Op Exp by Kind of Bus (2002 NAICS): 2002
BES: Ind: Revenue & Op Exp by Kind of Business (1997 NAICS): 2002
BES: Ind: RSEs for Revenue & Op Exp by Kind of Bus (1997 NAICS): 2002

2002 Commodity Flow Survey

Sector 00: All Commodity Flow Survey Sectors

Geographic Area Series

Shipment Characteristics by Mode by Geography: 2002, 1997, 1993
Shipment Char by Total Modal Activity by Geography: 2002, 1997, 1993
Shipment Char by Distance Shipped by Geography: 2002, 1997, 1993
Shipment Char by Shipment Weight by Geography: 2002, 1997, 1993
Shipment Characteristics by Commodity by Geography: 2002 & 1997
Shipment Characteristics by Commodity by Mode by Geography: 2002
Shipment Characteristics by Commodity by Distance Shipped by Geo: 2002
Shipment Characteristics by Commodity by Shipment Weight by Geo: 2002
Shipment Char by Comm by Shipment Wt by Distance Shipped by Geo: 2002
Shipment Char by Comm by Mode by Distance Shipped for the US: 2002
Shipment Char by Commodity by Mode by Shipment Weight for the US: 2002
Shipment Characteristics by Mode by Distance Shipped by Geo: 2002
Shipment Characteristics by Mode by Shipment Weight by Geography: 2002
Shipment Characteristics by Destination by Origin: 2002
Shipment Characteristics by Origin by Destination: 2002
Shipment Char by Destination State by Mode by Origin State: 2002
Shipment Char by Destination State by Commodity by Origin State: 2002
Shipment Char by Origin State by Mode by Destination State: 2002
Shipment Char by Origin State by Commodity by Destination State: 2002
Shipment Char by Destination State by Comm by Mode by Orig State: 2002
Shipment Characteristics by Mode for Destination Metro Areas: 2002

Hazardous Materials Series

HazMat Shipment Characteristics by Mode: 2002 & 1997
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by Hazardous Class: 2002 & 1997
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by UN Number: 2002
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by HazMat Status by Mode: 2002
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by Origin State: 2002
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by Destination State: 2002
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by Hazard Class by Mode: 2002 & 1997
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by UN Number by Mode: 2002
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by UN Number for Selected Mode: 2002
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by Commodity for the US: 2002
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by Commodity for the US: 2002 & 1997
HazMat Ship Char by Mode by Intrastate vs. Interstate by Comm: 2002
HazMat Ship Char by Mode by Intrastate vs. Interstate by UN Num: 2002
HazMat Shipment Characteristics for Toxic by Inhalation: 2002 & 1997
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by Packaging Group: 2002 & 1997
HazMat Shipment Char for Export by Destination Country: 2002 & 1997
HazMat Shipment Characteristics by NAICS for the US: 2002

Series for Exports

Export Shipment Characteristics by Commodity by Mode: 2002 & 1997
Export Shipment Characteristics by Mode: 2002 & 1997
Export Shipment Characteristics by Destination Country: 2002 & 1997
Export Shipment Char by Export Mode by Destination Country:2002 & 1997
Export Shipment Characteristics by Commodity: 2002 & 1997
Export Shipment Characteristics by State: 2002

2002 Economic Census

Sector 00: All Economic Census Sectors

Core Business Statistics Series

All sectors: Core: Adv Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS): 2002, 1997 ( N/A )
All sectors: Core: Ind Stats on 2002 NAICS Basis by 1997 NAICS: 2002
All sectors: Core: Ind Stats on 1997 NAICS Basis by 2002 NAICS: 2002
All sectors: Core: Bridge RSEs on 2002 NAICS (sector 23 only): 2002
All sectors: Core: Bridge RSEs on 1997 NAICS (sector 23 only): 2002
All sectors: Core: Comp Stats for the US, Sts (1997 NAICS): 2002, 1997
All sectors: Core: RSEs for CompStats for US/St (97 NAICS): 2002&1997

Geographic Area Series

All sectors: GAS: Economy-Wide Key Statistics: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

All sectors: Sub: Economy-Wide Products Statistics: 2002

Sector 21: Mining

Geographic Area Series

Sector 21: GAS: Ind Stat for the State or Offshore Areas: 2002
Sector 21: GAS: Detailed Stat for State or Offshore Areas: 2002
Sector 21: GAS: Ind Stat by Type of Op for State/Off Areas: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 21: Ind: Historical Stat for the Ind: 2002 and 1997
Sector 21: Ind: Ind Stat for Sel States and Offshore Areas: 2002
Sector 21: Ind: Detailed Stat by Ind: 2002
Sector 21: Ind: Ind Stat by Employment Size: 2002
Sector 21: Ind: Ind Stat by Type of Operation: 2002
Sector 21: Ind: Products or Services Stat: 2002 and 1997
Sector 21: Ind: Prod Ship/Rec for Sel States/Off Areas: 2002
Sector 21: Ind: Sel Materials & Fuels Cons by Type by Ind: 2002 & 1997

Subject Series: Location of Manufacturing/Mining Plants

Sector 21: Sub: Emp Size for Subsectors by State: 2002
Sector 21: Sub: Emp Size for Industries by State: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 21: Sub: Ind-Prod Analysis - Ind Ship Prod/Rec for Serv: 2002
Sector 21: Sub: Ind-Prod Analysis - Prod Ship/Rec by Contri Ind:2002

Summary Series: General Summary

Sector 21: Sum: Ind Stat: 2002
Sector 21: Sum: Ind Stat for States and Offshore Areas: 2002
Sector 21: Sum: Detailed Stat by Subsector: 2002
Sector 21: Sum: Ind Stat by Employment Size: 2002
Sector 21: Sum: Ind Stat by Type of Operation: 2002
Sector 21: Sum: Detailed Stat for States and Off Areas: 2002
Sector 21: Sum: Ind Stat by Type of Op for State/Off Areas: 2002
Sector 21: Sum: Inventories With LIFO Valuation by Subsector: 2002
Sector 21: Sum: Ind Stat for Subsectors by LFO: 2002

Summary Series: Materials & Fuels Consumed

Sector 21: Sum: Sel Materials & Fuels Con by Type by Ind : 2002 & 1997

Summary Series: Products & Services Summary

Sector 21: Sum: Products or Services Stat: 2002 and 1997
Sector 21: Sum: Prod Ship/Rec for Sel States/Off Areas:2002 and 1997

Sector 22: Utilities

Geographic Area Series

Sector 22: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 22: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 22: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 22: Sub: Revenue Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Sub: Revenue Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 22: Sub: Revenue by Class of Customer for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Sub: Exported Energy to Canada and Mexico for the US: 2002
Sector 22: Sub: Cost of Purch Elect for Resale by Util for US: 2002
Sector 22: Sub: Const Activities by Util for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 22: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002

Sector 23: Construction

Geographic Area Series

Sector 23: GAS: General Stats for Estabs by St: 2002
Sector 23: GAS: Det Stats for Estabs: 2002
Sector 23: GAS: RSE for Det Stats: 2002
Sector 23: GAS: Sel Stats for Estabs by Emp Size Class: 2002
Sector 23: GAS: Sel Stats for Estabs by Val of Bus: 2002
Sector 23: GAS: Val Constr for Estabs by Loc of Const: 2002
Sector 23: GAS: Val Constr for Estabs by TOC: 2002
Sector 23: GAS: Val Bus for Estabs by KOB: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 23: Ind: 2002 NAICS Class. Based on 1997 NAICS Class.
Sector 23: Ind: Employ Stats for Estabs by State: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: General Stats for Estabs by St: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: Det Stats for Estabs: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: RSEs of Det Stats for Estabs: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: Sel Stats for Estabs by Emp Size: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: Sel Stats for Estabs by Val Bus: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: Val Construction for Estabs by TOC: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: Sel Stats for Estabs by Spec TOC: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: Val Bus for Estabs by KOB: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: Sel Stat for Estab by Spztn in KOB: 2002
Sector 23: Ind: Val Con Work for Estab by Loc: 2002

Summary Series: General Summary

Sector 23: Sub: Emp and Gen Stats for Estabs by Ind: 2002
Sector 23: Sub: Det Stats for Estabs by Subsector: 2002
Sector 23: Sub: RSE for Det Stats for Estabs by Subsector: 2002
Sector 23: Sub: Sel Stats for Estabs by Emp Size: 2002
Sector 23: Sub: Sel Stats for Estabs by Val Bus and Ind: 2002
Sector 23: Sub: Sel Stats for Estabs by Ind and LFO: 2002
Sector 23: Sub: Sel Stats for Estabs by Housing Start Size: 2002
Sector 23: Sub: Val Construction for Estabs by TOC: 2002
Sector 23: Sub: Val Bus for Estabs by KOB: 2002
Sector 23: Sub: Val Constr for Estabs by Loc of Const: 2002
Sector 23: GA Sum: Employ Stats for Estabs by State: 2002
Sector 23: GA Sum: Det Stats for Estabs: 2002
Sector 23: GA Sum: RSEs for Det Stats for Estabs: 2002
Sector 23: GA Sum: Sel Stats for Estabs by Emp Size: 2002
Sector 23: GA Sum: Sel Stats for Estabs by Val Bus: 2002
Sector 23: GA Sum: Val Con Work for Estab by Loc of Const: 2002
Sector 23: GA Sum: Val Con Work for Estab by Geo Area and TOC: 2002
Sector 23: GA Sum: Val Bus for Estabs by KOB: 2002

Sector 31: Manufacturing

Geographic Area Series

Sector 31: GAS: Ind Stats for the St, MSA, Cou, Place : 2002
Sector 31: GAS: Detailed Statistics for the State: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 31: Ind: Hist Stats for the Ind: 2002 and Earlier Years
Sector 31: Ind: Ind Statistics for Selected States: 2002
Sector 31: Ind: Detailed Statistics by Ind: 2002
Sector 31: Ind: Ind Statistics by Employment Size: 2002
Sector 31: Ind: Ind Stats by Primary Prod Class Special: 2002
Sector 31: Ind: Products Statistics: 2002 and 1997
Sector 31: Ind: Prod Class Ship for Sel States: 2002 and 1997
Sector 31: Ind: Materials Consumed by Kind: 2002 and 1997
Sector 31: Ind: Detailed Miscellaneous Rcpts by Ind: 2002

Subject Series: Concentration Ratios

Sector 31: Sum: Ind Stat for Comp Ranked by VA: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Val Ship Actd by 4, 8, 20, and 50 Largest Co
Sector 31: Sum: Val Add Actd by 4, 8, 20, and 50 Largest Co

Subject Series: Location of Manufacturing/Mining Plants

Sector 31: Sub: Emp Size for Subsectors by Place: 2002
Sector 31: Sub: Emp Size for Industries by Place: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 31: Sub: Ind-Product Analysis - Ind Ship by Prod: 2002
Sector 31: Sub: Ind-Product Analysis - Prod Ship by Contri Ind: 2002

Summary Series: General Summary

Sector 31: Sum: Stat for All Mfg Estabs: 2002 and Earlier Years
Sector 31: Sum: Ind Stats for Ind Groups and Industries: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Ind Statistics by Sub for Selected States: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Detailed Statistics by Subsector: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Ind Stats for Sub by Emp Size: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Ind Statistics for States: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Ind Stats for Metropolitan Areas: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Detailed Statistics by States: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Method of Inventory Valuation by Subsector: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Inventories With LIFO Valulation by Subsector: 2002
Sector 31: Sum: Ind Stat for Sub by LFO: 2002

Summary Series: Materials & Fuels Consumed

Sector 31: Sum: Materials Consumed by Kind by Ind: 2002 and 1997

Summary Series: Products & Services Summary

Sector 31: Sum: Products Statistics: 2002 and 1997
Sector 31: Sum: Prod Class Ship for Selected States: 2002 and 1997
Sector 31: Sum: Hist Stat for Prod Classes: 2002 and Earlier Years
Sector 31: Sum: Prod Primary to More Than One Ind: 2002

Sector 42: Wholesale Trade

Geographic Area Series

Sector 42: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 42: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 42: Ind: Comp Stats (1997 NAICS): 2002 & 1997
Sector 42: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002
Sector 42: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 42: Sub: Sales Size of Estabs: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Emp Size of Estabs: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Single Units & Multiunits: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Sales Size of Firms: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Emp Size of Firms: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Legal Form of Organization: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 42: Sub: Sales by Class of Customer for the United States: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Employment by Primary Function: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: End-of-Year Inventories for the U.S.: 2002 and 2001
Sector 42: Sub: Detailed Type of Operation for the United States: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Sales & Commissions Received: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Gross Margin: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Gross Profit: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Ptrl Blk Stns by Type of Stn for States: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Ptrl Blk Strge Cpcty by Type of Facility: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Ptrl Blk Strge by Type of Product: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Ptrl Blk Strge Cap. by Type of Prod. & Cap. Size: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Primary Method of Receiving Ptrl Blk Liquid: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 42: Sub: All Types of Operation by KB and PL: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: All Types of Operation by Broad PL and KB: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Merchant Wholesalers by KB and PL: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: Merchant Wholesalers by Broad PL and KB: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: MSBOs by KB and PL: 2002
Sector 42: Sub: MSBOs by Broad PL and KB: 2002

Sector 44: Retail Trade

Geographic Area Series

Sector 44: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 44: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 44: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 44: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 44: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 44: Sub: Sales Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 44: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 44: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 44: Sub: Sales Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 44: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 44: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 44: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 44: Sub: Floor Space by Kind of Business for US & States: 2002
Sector 44: Sub: Sales by Class of Customer for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 44: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002
Sector 44: Sub: Kinds of Business by Product Line : 2002

ZIP Code Statistics

Sector 44-45: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, New England States: 2002
Sector 44-45: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, Middle Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 44-45: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, East North Central States: 2002
Sector 44-45: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, West North Central States: 2002
Sector 44-45: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, South Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 44-45: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, East South Central States: 2002
Sector 44-45: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, West South Central States: 2002
Sector 44-45: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, Mountain States: 2002
Sector 44-45: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, Pacific States: 2002

Sector 48: Transportation and Warehousing

Geographic Area Series

Sector 48: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002
Sector 48: GAS: Enterprise Support Statistics for the US: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 48: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 48: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 48: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 48: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 48: Sub: Revenue Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Revenue Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 48: Sub: Pur Tran by Motor Freight Car for US & States: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Rev-Gen Equip for Pass Trans for the US & States: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Cost of Arr Tran by Mode of Ship for US & States: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Const Act by Pipelines for US & States: 2002
Sector 48: Sub: Invent With LIFO Val for the US: 2002 and 2001
Sector 48: Sub: Sum Stat of Enter Supp Estabs by Ind Serv for US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 48: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002

Sector 51: Information

Geographic Area Series

Sector 51: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002
Sector 51: GAS: Enterprise Support Statistics for the US: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 51: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 51: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 51: Sub: Receipts Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Sub: Receipts Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 51: Sub: Exported Services by Selected KB for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Sub: Receipts by Class of Customer for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Sub: Construction Activity by Selected KB for the US: 2002
Sector 51: Sub: End of Year Inv by Category for the US: 2002 and 2001
Sector 51: Sub: Inv with LIFO Valuation for the US: 2002 and 2001
Sector 51: Sub: Sum Stat for Ent Sup Estabs by Ind for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 51: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002

Sector 52: Finance and Insurance

Geographic Area Series

Sector 52: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 52: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 52: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 52: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 52: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 52: Sub: Revenue Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Revenue Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 52: Sub: Insur Agts & Brokers for the US & States: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Adm Exp & Ben Pd Life, Health, Med Ins Car US: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Adm Exp & Ben Pd Prop & Cas Insur Car US: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Exp Serv by Sel Kinds of Bus for US: 2002
Sector 52: Sub: Interest Exp for Sel Kinds of Bus for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 52: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002

Sector 53: Real Estate and Rental and Leasing

Geographic Area Series

Sector 53: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 53: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 53: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 53: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 53: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 53: Sub: Revenue Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Revenue Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 53: Sub: Real Estate Agents & Brokers for the US & States: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Comm & Fees Paid to Co-Brok Comp for the US: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Construction Expend for the US & States: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Const Expend by Type of Build for US & States: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Const Expend by Typ of Const for US & States: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Revenue by Class of Cust for US and States: 2002
Sector 53: Sub: Exported Serv by Sel Kinds of Bus for US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 53: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002

Sector 54: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Geographic Area Series

Sector 54: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002
Sector 54: GAS: Enterprise Support Statistics for the US: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 54: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 54: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 54: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 54: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 54: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Estabs for the US: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 54: Sub: ExSvs by KB for US and States: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: R/R by CC for Svs for US and States: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: R/R by CC for Arch, Engine for US and St: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Gross Billings for Adv Agencies for US & St: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: LFO for Svs Subject to FIT for US & St: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Svs for Firms Exempt from FIT for US & St: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: LFO for Acc,TP, Book, & Pay Svs for US & St: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Persnl by Oc & LFO for Eng & Arc Svs for US & St: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Persnl by Oc & LFO for Comp Design & Svs for US: 2002
Sector 54: Sub: Sum Stat for Ent Supp Estabs by Ind for US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 54: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002

ZIP Code Statistics

Sector 54: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, New England States: 2002
Sector 54: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Middle Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 54: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East North Central States: 2002
Sector 54: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West North Central States: 2002
Sector 54: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, South Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 54: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East South Central States: 2002
Sector 54: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West South Central States: 2002
Sector 54: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Mountain States: 2002
Sector 54: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Pacific States: 2002

Sector 55: Management of Companies and Enterprises

Geographic Area Series

Sector 55: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 55: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 55: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 55: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 55: Sub: Ex Svs for Corp, Sub, Reg Man for US: 2002
Sector 55: Sub: R&D for Corp, Sub, and Reg Man for US: 2002
Sector 55: Sub: Inv with LIFO Val for the US: 2002 and 2001
Sector 55: Sub: Emp by Function for the US: 2002
Sector 55: Sub: SS for Ent Sup Estabs by Ind Srvd for US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 55: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002

Sector 56: Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services

Geographic Area Series

Sector 56: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002
Sector 56: GAS: Enterprise Support Statistics for the US: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 56: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 56: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 56: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 56: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 56: Sub: Receipts Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: Receipts Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 56: Sub: Exported Svs by KB for US and States: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: Client Org by Prof Org for US and States: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: C/C for Selected Industries for US and States: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: C/C for Admin and Support Svs for US and St: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: C/C for Travel and Reservation Svs for US and St: 2002
Sector 56: Sub: Sum Stat for Ent Sup Estabs by Ind for US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 56: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002

ZIP Code Statistics

Sector 56: ZIP: Estab Receipts Size, New England States: 2002
Sector 56: ZIP: Estab Receipts Size, Middle Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 56: ZIP: Estab Receipts Size, East North Central States: 2002
Sector 56: ZIP: Estab Receipts Size, West North Central States: 2002
Sector 56: ZIP: Estab Receipts Size, South Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 56: ZIP: Estab Receipts Size, East South Central States: 2002
Sector 56: ZIP: Estab Receipts Size, West South Central States: 2002
Sector 56: ZIP: Estab Receipts Size, Mountain States: 2002
Sector 56: ZIP: Estab Receipts Size, Pacific States: 2002

Sector 61: Educational Services

Geographic Area Series

Sector 61: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002
Sector 61: GAS: Enterprise Support Statistics for the US: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 61: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 61: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 61: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 61: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 61: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Estabs for the US: 2002
Sector 61: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 61: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 61: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 61: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 61: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 61: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 61: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002

ZIP Code Statistics

Sector 61: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, New England States: 2002
Sector 61: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Middle Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 61: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East North Central States: 2002
Sector 61: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West North Central States: 2002
Sector 61: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, South Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 61: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East South Central States: 2002
Sector 61: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West South Central States: 2002
Sector 61: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Mountain States: 2002
Sector 61: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Pacific States: 2002

Sector 62: Health Care and Social Assistance

Geographic Area Series

Sector 62: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 62: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 62: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 62: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 62: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 62: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Estabs for the US: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 62: Sub: LFO for Firms Subject to FIT for US and St: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Firms Exempt from FIT for US and States: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Trans Cont for Firms Expt from FIT for US and St: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Grnts/Pymts Exempt from FIT for US & St: 2002
Sector 62: Sub: Own/Control ob Govt Hospitals for US and St: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 62: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002

ZIP Code Statistics

Sector 62: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, New England States: 2002
Sector 62: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Middle Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 62: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East North Central States: 2002
Sector 62: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West North Central States: 2002
Sector 62: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, South Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 62: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East South Central States: 2002
Sector 62: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West South Central States: 2002
Sector 62: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Mountain States: 2002
Sector 62: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Pacific States: 2002

Sector 71: Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation

Geographic Area Series

Sector 71: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 71: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 71: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 71: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 71: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 71: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Estabs for the US: 2002
Sector 71: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 71: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 71: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 71: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 71: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 71: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 71: Sub: Ex Svs by KB for Estabs Sub to FIT for US & St: 2002
Sector 71: Sub: Sources of Receipts by KB for US & St: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 71: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002

ZIP Code Statistics

Sector 71: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, New England States: 2002
Sector 71: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Middle Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 71: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East North Central States: 2002
Sector 71: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West North Central States: 2002
Sector 71: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, South Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 71: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East South Central States: 2002
Sector 71: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West South Central States: 2002
Sector 71: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Mountain States: 2002
Sector 71: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Pacific States: 2002

Sector 72: Accommodation and Food Services

Geographic Area Series

Sector 72: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 72: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 72: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 72: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 72: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 72: Sub: Sales Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Sales Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 72: Sub: Primary Type of Food Service for the US & States: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Average Cost Per Meal for the US & States: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Seating Capacity for the US & States: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Principal Menu Type/Specialty for US & States: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Sales by Day-Part for the US & States: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Concession Operators for the US & States: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Estabs Using Trade Name for the US & States: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Dist. of Contract Feeding Sls for US & States: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Number of Guestrooms for the US & States: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Guestroom Size of Establishments for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 72: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002
Sector 72: Sub: Kinds of Business by Product Line: 2002

ZIP Code Statistics

Sector 72: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, New England States: 2002
Sector 72: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, Middle Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 72: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, East North Central States: 2002
Sector 72: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, West North Central States: 2002
Sector 72: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, South Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 72: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, East South Central States: 2002
Sector 72: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, West South Central States: 2002
Sector 72: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, Mountain States: 2002
Sector 72: ZIP: Estab Sales Size, Pacific States: 2002

Sector 81: Other Services (Except Public Administration)

Geographic Area Series

Sector 81: GAS: Summary Statistics: 2002
Sector 81: GAS: Enterprise Support Statistics for the US: 2002

Industry Series

Sector 81: Ind: Summary Statistics for the US: 2002
Sector 81: Ind: Comp Stats for the US (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 & 1997
Sector 81: Ind: Product Lines by Kind of Business for the US: 2002
Sector 81: Ind: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Estab & Firm Size

Sector 81: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Estabs for the US: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Employment Size of Establishments for the US: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Single Unit & Multiunit Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Receipts/Revenue Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Employment Size of Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Concentration by Largest Firms for the US: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Legal Form of Organization for the US: 2002

Subject Series: Misc Subjects

Sector 81: Sub: Ex Svs by KB for US & St: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: C/C for Repair and Maintenance for US & St: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Parts Inst for Repair & Main Svs for US & St: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Cont for R/G/C/P for US & St: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Other Pymts for R/G/C/P for US & St: 2002
Sector 81: Sub: Stats for Ent Sup Estabs for US: 2002

Subject Series: Product Lines

Sector 81: Sub: Product Lines by Kind of Business: 2002

ZIP Code Statistics

Sector 81: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, New England States: 2002
Sector 81: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Middle Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 81: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East North Central States: 2002
Sector 81: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West North Central States: 2002
Sector 81: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, South Atlantic States: 2002
Sector 81: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, East South Central States: 2002
Sector 81: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, West South Central States: 2002
Sector 81: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Mountain States: 2002
Sector 81: ZIP: Estab Rcpts/Rev Size, Pacific States: 2002

2002 Economic Census of Island Areas

Sector 00: All Island Areas Sectors

Geographic Area Series

Kind of Business for Guam: 2002
KB & LFO for Guam: 2002
Sales Size of Establishments for Guam: 2002
Employment Size of Establishments for Guam :2002
Kind of Business and Election Districts for Guam: 2002
Kind of Business and Women Ownership Status for Guam: 2002
Kind of Business and Ownership Status for Guam: 2002
Class of Customer for Guam: 2002
Product Lines and Number of Guestrooms for Guam
E-Commerce Statistics for Guam: 2002
Kind of Business for the Northern Mariana Islands: 2002 ( N/A )
KB & LFO for the Northern Mariana Islands: 2002 ( N/A )
Sales Size of Establishments for the Northern Mariana Islands: 2002 ( N/A )
Employment Size of Establishments for the Northern Mariana Islands ( N/A )
Selected Municipalities for the Northern Mariana Islands: 2002 ( N/A )
Ownership Status for the Northern Mariana Islands: 2002 ( N/A )
Class of Customer for the Northern Mariana Islands: 2002 ( N/A )
Number of Guestrooms for the Northern Mariana Islands: 2002 ( N/A )
Wholesale Trade Kind of Business for Puerto Rico: 2002
Wholesale Trade and Legal Form of Organization for Puerto Rico: 2002
Wholesale Trade and Sales Size of Establishments for Puerto Rico: 2002
Wholesale Trade and Employment Size for Puerto Rico: 2002
Wholesale Trade by Commercial Regions and Municipios: 2002
Sales by Wholesale Trade and Class of Customer for Puerto Rico: 2002
Wholesale Trade by Primary Employment Function for Puerto Rico: 2002
Expenses and Rental Payments by Wholesale Trade for Puerto Rico: 2002
Wholesale Trade and Inventory Storage Space for Puerto Rico: 2002
Product Lines by Wholesale Trade for Puerto Rico: 2002
Wholesale Trade by Product Lines for Puerto Rico: 2002
E-Commerce Statistics by Wholesale Trade for Puerto Rico: 2002
General Statistics by Retail Trade for Puerto Rico: 2002
Retail Trade and Legal Form of Organization for Puerto Rico: 2002
Retail Trade and Sales Size of Establishments for Puerto Rico: 2002
Retail Trade and Employment Size for Puerto Rico: 2002
Retail Trade by Commercial Regions and Municipios: 2002
Value of Sales for Largest Establishments Puerto Rico: 2002
Sales by Retail Trade by Class of Customer for Puerto Rico: 2002
Retail Trade by Mall Location for P.R., Comm Reg, and Municipios: 2002
Floor Space by Mall Location for P. R. and Commercial Regions: 2002
Franchise Status by Mall Location, for P.R. and Comm. Reg.: 2002
Expenses and Rental Payments by Retail Trade for Puerto Rico: 2002
Product Lines by Retail Trade for Puerto Rico: 2002
Retail Trade by Product Lines for Puerto Rico: 2002
E-Commerce Statistics by Retail Trade for Puerto Rico: 2002
General Statistics by Selected Kinds of Business for Puerto Rico: 2002
Selected KB and Legal Form of Organization for Puerto Rico: 2002
Selected KB and Sales Size of Establishments for Puerto Rico: 2002
Selected KB and Employment Size Establishments for Puerto Rico: 2002
Selected KB by Commercial Regions and Municipios: 2002
Value of Sales for Largest Establishments Puerto Rico: 2002
Selected KB by Mall Location for P.R., Comm Reg, and Municipios: 2002
Product Lines and Guestrooms by Commercial Regions for P.R.: 2002
Product Lines and Guestrooms by Room Size for Puerto Rico: 2002
Product Lines by Sales Size for Puerto Rico: 2002
Tourist Incentive Act for Puerto Rico: 2002
Expenses and Rental Payments by Selected KB for Puerto Rico: 2002
E-Commerce by Selected Kinds of Business for Puerto Rico: 2002
Kind of Business for American Samoa: 2002
KB and LFO for American Samoa: 2002
Sales Size of Establishments for American Samoa: 2002
KB and Sales Size of Establishments for American Samoa: 2002
Employment Size of Establishments for American Samoa: 2002
KB and Districts for American Samoa: 2002
KB and Counties for American Samoa: 2002
KB and Ownership Status for American Samoa: 2002
KB and Class of Customer for American Samoa: 2002
Number of Guestrooms for American Samoa: 2002
Kind of Business for Virgin Islands: 2002
Legal Form of Organization for Virgin Islands: 2002
Sales Size of Establishments for Virgin Islands: 2002
Employment Size of Establishments for Virgin Islands: 2002
Kind of Business for the Islands of St. Thomas and St. John: 2002
Kind of Business for the Island of St. Croix: 2002
Kind of Business for Charlotte Amalie: 2002
Kind of Business for Christiansted: 2002
Kind of Business for Frederiksted: 2002
Kind of Business and Women Ownership for Virgin Islands: 2002
KB and Ownership Status for Virgin Islands: 2002
Kind of Business and Class of Customer for Virgin Islands: 2002
Number of Guestrooms for Virgin Islands: 2002

Industry Series

General Statistics by Industry for Puerto Rico: 2002
Selected Statistics by Industry and LFO for Puerto Rico 2002
SS by Industry and Employment Size of Establishments for PR 2002
Value of Business Done by KOB Activity for Puerto Rico: 2002
General Statistics for Puerto Rico and Metropolitan Areas: 2002
Employment & Payroll Statistics by Industry for PR and Municipios 2002
Workers & Hours Worked by Industry for Puerto Rico and Municipios 2002
Business Done by Industry for Puerto Rico and Municipios: 2002
Cost of Materials by Industry for Puerto Rico and Municipios: 2002
Assets/Depreciation of Structures by Industry for PR & Municipios 2002
Assets/Depreciation of Machinery by Industry for PR & Municipios 2002
Industry and Employment Size for Puerto Rico and Municipios:2002
Class/Ownership by Industry for Puerto Rico and Municipios:2002
Type of Construction by Industry for Puerto Rico and Municipios: 2002
General Statistics by Industry for PR: 2002
Industry and Legal Form of Organization for Puerto Rico: 2002
Industry, Employment Size and LFO for Puerto Rico: 2002
Value of Shipments by Industry for Puerto Rico: 2002
Cost of Materials by Industry for Puerto Rico: 2002
Value of Shipments for Largest Establishments Puerto Rico: 2002
Products Shipped by Country of Destination for Puerto Rico: 2002
Industry and Class of Customer for Puerto Rico: 2002
E-Commerce Statistics for Puerto Rico: 2002
General Statistics for Puerto Rico: 2002
Employment-Size of Establishments for PR/Metro-Areas/Municipios: 2002
Statistics by Industry for Puerto Rico and Metropolitan Areas: 2002
Production Workers/Hours Worked by Industry for PR/Metro Areas 2002
Inventories by Stage of Fabrication for PR/Metro Areas
Capital and Rental Expenditures by Industry for PR/Metro Areas: 2002

2002 Nonemployer Statistics

Sector 00: All Nonemployer Sectors

Geographic Area Series

Nonemployer Statistics by LFO: 2002
Nonemployer Statistics by Geography: 2002

2002 Survey of Business Owners

Sector 00: All SBO Sectors

Company Statistics Series

SBO: GAS: Economy-Wide Estimates of Business Ownership: 2002
SBO: AIAN: KOB: 2002
SBO: AIAN: State by KOB: 2002
SBO: AIAN: MSA by KOB: 2002
SBO: AIAN: Counties: 2002
SBO: AIAN: Places: 2002
SBO: AIAN: KOB by Receipts Size: 2002
SBO: AIAN: KOB by Employment Size (Employers only): 2002
SBO: Asian: KOB by Detailed Group: 2002
SBO: Asian: State by KOB: 2002
SBO: Asian: State by Detailed Group: 2002
SBO: Asian: MSA by KOB: 2002
SBO: Asian: MSA by Detailed Group: 2002
SBO: Asian: Counties: 2002
SBO: Asian: Places: 2002
SBO: Asian: KOB by Receipts Size: 2002
SBO: Asian: KOB by Employment Size (Employers only): 2002
SBO: Black: KOB: 2002
SBO: Black: State by KOB: 2002
SBO: Black: MSA by KOB: 2002
SBO: Black: Counties: 2002
SBO: Black: Places: 2002
SBO: Black: KOB by Receipts Size: 2002
SBO: Black: KOB by Employment Size (Employers only): 2002
SBO: CB: Year Acquired by KOB, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Year Acquired by Rcpts Sz., Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Year Acquired by Empl Size, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Home/Fam/Franch by KOB, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Home/Fam/Franch by Rcpts Sz., Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Home/Fam/Franch by Empl Size, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Srce of Capital by KOB, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Srce of Capital by Rcpts Sz., Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Srce of Capital by Empl Size, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Expansion Capital by KOB, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Expansion Capital by Rcpts Sz., Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Expansion Capital by Empl Size, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Customers by KOB, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Customers by Rcpts Sz., Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Customers by Empl Size, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Types of Workers by KOB, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Types of Workers by Rcpts Sz., Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Types of Workers by Empl Size, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Self-Emp Char by KOB, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Self-Emp Char by Rcpts Sz., Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CB: Self-Emp Char by Empl Size, Hisp Orig, Race, Gender: 2002
SBO: CBO: Owners by KOB, Hisp Orig, and Bus. Interest: 2002
SBO: CBO: Owners by KOB, Race, and Bus. Interest: 2002
SBO: CBO: Owners by KOB, Gender, and Bus. Interest: 2002
SBO: CBO: Owners by Veteran Status and Bus. Interest: 2002
SBO: CBO: Owners by Age and Bus. Interest: 2002
SBO: CBO: Owners by Education and Bus. Interest: 2002
SBO: CBO: Owners by Hours Worked and Bus. Interest: 2002
SBO: CBO: Owners by Primary Srce of Inc. and Bus. Interest: 2002
SBO: CBO: Owners by Primary Function and Bus. Interest: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: KOB by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: KOB by Hisp Orig by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: KOB by Race by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: State by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: State by Hisp Orig by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: State by Race by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: State by KOB by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: State by KOB by Hisp Orig by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: State by KOB by Race by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: MSA by KOB: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: Counties: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: Places: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: KOB by Receipts Size by Gender: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: KOB by Receipts Size by Hisp Orig and Race: 2002
SBO: Co Summary: KOB by Emp Sz by Gender (Empl only): 2002
SBO: Co Summary: KOB by Emp Sz by Hisp Orig and Race (Empl only): 2002
SBO: Co Summary: No of KOB by Gender (Empl only): 2002
SBO: Co Summary: No of KOB by Hisp Orig and Race (Empl only): 2002
SBO: Co Summary: No of States by Gender (Empl only): 2002
SBO: Co Summary: No of States by Hisp Orig and Race (Empl only): 2002
SBO: Co Summary: No of MSAs by Gender (Empl only): 2002
SBO: Co Summary: No of MSAs by Hisp Orig and Race (Empl only): 2002
SBO: Hisp: KOB by Detailed Hispanic or Latino Origin: 2002
SBO: Hisp: State by KOB: 2002
SBO: Hisp: State by Detailed Hispanic or Latino Origin: 2002
SBO: Hisp: MSA by KOB: 2002
SBO: Hisp: MSA by Detailed Hispanic or Latino Origin: 2002
SBO: Hisp: Counties: 2002
SBO: Hisp: Places: 2002
SBO: Hisp: KOB by Receipts Size: 2002
SBO: Hisp: KOB by Employment Size (Employers only): 2002
SBO: NHPI: KOB by Detailed Group: 2002
SBO: NHPI: State by KOB: 2002
SBO: NHPI: State by Detailed Group: 2002
SBO: NHPI: MSA by KOB: 2002
SBO: NHPI: MSA by Detailed Group: 2002
SBO: NHPI: Counties: 2002
SBO: NHPI: Places: 2002
SBO: NHPI: KOB by Receipts Size: 2002
SBO: NHPI: KOB by Employment Size (Employers only): 2002
SBO: Women: KOB: 2002
SBO: Women: State by KOB: 2002
SBO: Women: MSA by KOB: 2002
SBO: Women: Counties: 2002
SBO: Women: Places: 2002
SBO: Women: KOB by Receipts Size: 2002
SBO: Women: KOB by Employment Size (Employers only): 2002

(N/A) indicates data set is not available