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Public Records Requests

Instructions to submit a Public Records Request

Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Services Available in Community Health Centers, Public Health Centers, and Other Safety Net Clinics


  • Submission deadline: Friday, August 1, 2008 by 5pm

  • To the following contact: Jessica Knaster, 206-263-8350,

  • Department/Division: Public Health-Seattle & King County, Community and School-Based Partnerships

Public Health - Seattle & King County (PHSKC) is offering interested agencies and partnering agencies the opportunity to request funding to increase access to behavioral health services for the following target populations:

  • Veterans, military personnel and their families, who may be struggling with or at risk of mental illness, substance abuse, homelessness, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and associated health problems.

The two types of program areas and corresponding award levels included in this RFP are described below. Applicants may apply for funds in more than one program area.

For veterans, military personnel and their families:

  1. The health department will award funds that will allow agencies to build or greatly enhance their capacity and expertise in meeting the needs of veterans and their families. Funding available for each major grant is up to $100,000 annually.

  2. In order to test service strategies, help build a better understanding of service gaps for veterans and their families, and add capacity to existing programs, the health department will also fund pilot service delivery locations and strategies on a smaller scale. Funding available for pilot programs is up to $85,000 annually. After two years, pilot contracts will be renewed, expanded, or allowed to lapse depending on outcomes.

Eligibility for agency selection

Federally qualified community health centers, public health centers, and other safety net medical clinics are eligible to receive funds through this RFP. Other nonprofit health care organizations are eligible to apply on behalf of a consortium or partnership of safety net medical clinics.

Applicants, including a lead agency applying on behalf of partnering agencies, must be a private nonprofit or public sector entity in Washington state. If a private entity, the respondent is incorporated as a private non profit corporation in the State of Washington and has been granted 501(C) (3) tax-exempt status by the United States Internal Revenue Service OR is a public corporation, commission, or authority established pursuant to RCW 35.21.660 or RCW 35.21.7301.


Intervention strategies, supporting research and supporting assessment data that will guide the selection of applicants to this RFP and the implementation of programs are described at length in the procurement plan for Veterans & Human Services Levy Strategy #3.1 Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Services Available in Community Health Centers, Public Health Centers, and Other Safety Net Clinics.

For more information contact Jessica Knaster at 206-263-8350 or