The George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress
Time Line: The American Revolution
The Colonial Period |
The American Revolution |
The Early Republic
1774 |
1775 |
1776 |
1777 |
1778 |
1779 |
1780 |
1781 |
1782 |
July 10, Washington writes his former aide Colonel John Laurens.
Laurens has failed in his attempt to get permission from the Georgia legislature to raise a regiment
of slaves and Washington attributes this to the "selfish Passion" of the legislature. Laurens has been attempting to raise such
a regiment since 1779, first in his native South Carolina, then in Georgia. Laurens is killed by the British
in a skirmish on August 25, 1782. He is one of the last officer casualties of the war.
George Washington to John Laurens, July 10, 1782
August 19, the Battle of Blue Licks, in the Appalachian west, the British and their Indian allies,
the Wyandot, Ottawa, Ojibwa, Shawnee, Mingo, and Delaware inflict heavy casualties and force
the retreat of Daniel Boone and the Kentucky militia. In response, George Rogers Clark leads
Kentucky militia on an expedition against the British into Ohio country. These are often
considered the last formal engagements of the Revolutionary War.
1774 |
1775 |
1776 |
1777 |
1778 |
1779 |
1780 |
1781 |
1782 |
The Colonial Period |
The Early Republic |
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