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Title: EPA Region 2 ETV-SBIR Workshop
Date: October 7 - 8, 2008
Location: EPA Region II
290 Broadway
New York, New York 10007-1866
Contact: James Gallup (gallup.james@epa.gov), 202-343-9703
Purpose: Workshop includes businesses and organizations involved in EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) programs. The purpose of the workshop is to disseminate information to end-users in the regional office and in state/local organizations on technologies being developed, commercialized and tested in the SBIR and ETV Programs. SBIR and ETV businesses/participants will engage in discussions about their technologies and technology needs in the regions and states.
Registration: View Registration exit EPA
Logistics: View Logistics
Agenda: View Agenda
More Information: Workshop Overview
Factsheet (PDF) (1pp, 322 K)

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