USDA Economic Research Service Briefing Room
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Irrigation and Water Use


Agriculture is a major user of ground and surface water in the United States, accounting for 80 percent of the Nation's consumptive water use and over 90 percent in many Western States. This ERS research program investigates water allocation, water conservation, and water management issues facing irrigated agriculture. The focus is on irrigated agriculture, but other sectors are examined for their competitive influence on water supplies and impacts of water reallocations among agricultural, environmental, and urban users. It includes consideration of the role of water markets, producer decisions, institutional adjustments (including Federal water infrastructure), and water-related policies with respect to resource costs, water quality, profitability, and environmental effects, as well as analysis of the adoption of water conserving technologies.


Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators: Irrigation Water Management—Efficient irrigation systems and water management practices can help maintain farm profitability in an era of increasingly limited and more costly water supplies. Improved water management practices may also reduce the impact of irrigated production on offsite water quantity and quality, and conserve water for growing nonagricultural demands.

Irrigation, Water Conservation, and Farm Size in the Western United States—While just 16 percent of all harvested cropland in the U.S. is irrigated, this acreage generates nearly half the value of all crops sold. Because agriculture accounts for over 80 percent of water consumed in the U.S., conserving irrigation technologies have become central to the challenge of balancing water demands among alternative uses.

Recommended Readings

Integrating Commodity and Conservation Programs: Design Options and Outcomes—Can a single program support farm income and encourage producers to adopt environmentally sound farming practices? While simple in concept, attempting to roll the farm income support features of existing commodity programs and conservation payments into a single program raises questions.

Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators—This ERS basebook contains a wealth of information covering a broad range of subjects in resource and environmental economics. Topics covered include water resources (water use and value, irrigation water management, and water quality impacts of agriculture).

See all recommended readings...

Recommended Data Products

The data product Western Irrigated Agriculture summarizes the farm-structural characteristics for irrigated farms in the 17 Western States based on USDA's 1998 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey.

Related Briefing Rooms

Agricultural Chemicals and Production Technology
Conservation Policy
Environmental Interactions with Agricultural Production

Related Links

USDA/NRCS—Maintains an irrigation website with technical water management information and links to irrigation-based search engines and many other websites of irrigation interest.

USDA/NASS conducts the Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey, a primary source of irrigation and water management information.


Brief definitions of irrigation systems and land treatment practices, water use terms, and irrigation water-use efficiency terms.

Also at ERS...

Latest Publications

Profile of Hired Farmworkers, A 2008 Update
Prioritizing Invasive Species Management by Optimizing Production of Ecosystem Service Benefits
Pesticide Resistance, Population Dynamics, and Invasive Species Management
The Economic Organization of U.S. Broiler Production
Amber Waves, June 2008

Latest Data Sets

Farm Program Acres
Agricultural Outlook Statistical Indicators
Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S.
Agricultural Productivity in the United States
Organic Farmgate and Wholesale Prices


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For more information, contact: Marcel Aillery

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Updated date: November 22, 2004