Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Jon R Siek, Mr.

April 22, 2009

In all honesty I am saddened that short selling has been allowed to go on as long as it has. How can betting on stocks dropping, and possibly causing that to happen in order to turn a profit, be legal? How can this level of volatility be allowed? This is further proof of the apathy our society has developed regarding ethics and morality in the era of capitalism and free markets. I am a red blooded American, and not a communist, but I know that it is wrong to capitalize on the ignorance, weakness, and defenselessness of others.

I suspect that short selling has been at the heart of the long running sell-off since the restriction against it was removed last year. I question the logic behind that maneuver. This is America, not the third world. What are you people waiting for, a communist revolution?