Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Coast Guard Personnel Service Center

Officer Personnel Management Division

Officer Assignments Branch (CG PSC-opm-2)

OPM-2 Officer Assignments Branch

The Officer Assignments Branch (CG PSC-opm-2) handles the assignments of all regular officers, Chief Warrant Officers, and reserve officers on Extended Active Duty contracts.  Assignments of reserve officers not on Extended Active Duty contracts are handled by the Reserve Personnel Management Division (CG PSC-rpm) or the appropriate MLC/ISC.

Additional assignment information and related messages including Assignment Guides, Shopping Lists/Updates, assignment year SITREPS, road show information, individual assignment officer account notes, and panel information relating the Consolidated Major Command Cadre Screening Panel (CMCCSP), Junior Officer/BOS'N Command Afloat Screening Panels (CASP) and Senior Service School/Strategic Studies Group (SSS/SSG) can be accessed through CG Central at the following path:


For officers who do not have access to CG Central: Officers in Post Graduate programs should contact their respective program manager regarding access to the SWS III system and CG Central.  Officers in positions external to the Coast Guard should contact their chain of command regarding access to the SWS III system and CG Central.  All officers may also contact CG PSC-opm-2's administrative staff at 202-493-1632/3/4 to be directed to an assignment officer for general assignment questions.

Last Modified 8/21/2009