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Spare the Air Status

Friday 8/14

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Today.

Contra Costa Regional Medical Center
Contra Costa County
Air Quality Fact

There are three major types of air pollutants that constitute a public health concern for the Bay Area - ozoneparticulate matter and toxic air contaminants.



  • Khristine Anja Page
  • Webmaster, Information Services
  • 415 749-5068


New & Improved is the official Web site of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. The Web site has long been an important online air quality resource for residents and businesses in the Bay Area.

In June 2009, was redesigned with a new look and feel, designed to be more user-friendly for Bay Area residents and businesses who need to quickly find air quality information, check on upcoming community meetings, or perform actions like registering equipment, downloading forms, or signing up for e-mail notifications.

Quick & Easy Access

The information on is accessible in several ways. The homepage offers three distinct entry ways into the Web site,

  • Live – Air Quality for the Community
  • Work – Air Quality for Business
  • Know – Air Quality Science

The About and Division menus on the top navigation bar also provide additional shortcuts to navigate the Web site.

Throughout the site, you’ll find relevant resources, like related forms, upcoming events and opportunities to apply, submit, participate and/or exchange information with the Air District.

Up-to-Date Information & News Alerts

You’ll find timely air quality information, upcoming community meetings and several subscription offerings to receive alerts and notifications by e-mail or RSS feed.

Optimal Viewing is designed using modern web standards to assure interoperability, accessibility and efficiency. These well-established standards are supported by modern Web browsers. Common browsers with such support include, but are not limited to, Mozilla Firefox (and other Mozilla-based browsers), Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher and Apple Safari. Older browsers may not display the Web site's visual design as intended, though its functionality should be unaffected.

Adobe Reader (or any other PDF viewer) is required to view or download the documents and publications in PDF format on this site.