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Comments on Proposed Rule:
Cash Settlement and Regulatory Halt Requirements for Security Futures Products

[Release No. 34-44743; File No. S7-15-01]

  • Comments of Jonathan Barton, Chairman, FIA/SIA Steering Committee on Security Futures, Futures Industry Association and Securities Industry Association, April 4, 2001 (File name: barton1.htm)

  • Comments of Larry Coury, Silvia Madrid, Laura Murias, Mike Periera, Vivek Sahota, Benjamin Sparks, Adrian Spirollari, and Wallace Truesdale, Fordham University School of Law, October 1, 2001 (File name: fordham1.htm)

  • Comments of James J. McNulty, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc., October 1, 2001 (File name: mcnulty1.htm)

  • Comments of Joanne Moffic Silver, General Counsel, Chicago Board Options Exchange Incorporated, October 1, 2001 (File name: silver1.htm)

Modified: 07/07/2003