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Additional Materials for File No. S7-18-97:

Rulemaking for EDGAR System (Form 13F)

  • Form 13F (text):  Form 13F in text form, for viewing on line or downloading (with File - Save As ... on your browser). The lines throughout this file are fairly wide; on the last page, where the Form 13F Information Table is presented, the lines become very wide indeed. To allow a readable printout from a word processor, the following formatting procedure is suggested:

    1. Open the ASCII text file in the word processor.

    2. Select the entire document.

    3. Change font to Courier 10 point. (Note: use of a monospaced font in this step is crucial to the appearance of much of the text, especially the Form 13F Information Table.)

    4. Change margins to 0.2 inches (or as small as allowed).

    5. Locate the wide material (the aforementioned Information Table).

    6. Select that material and format it in a small font (Line Printer at a small point size works well). If possible, insert a page break and format this page for landscape printing.

  • Form 13F (WordPerfect):  Form 13F in WordPerfect 5.1 format, for download (via FTP by clicking on the link). The file is easy to import into other word processors as well.

Modified: 07/02/97