Prologue Magazine

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Fall 2007: Vol. 39, No. 3

President Richard Nixon Nixon's Library Now a Part of NARA
All the records of a near half-century in politics, with its deep valleys and high mountaintops, will be brought together under one roof—and under federal auspices.
Elizabeth Richardson Wearing Lipstick to War
Liz Richardson and the "Red Cross girls" of World War II brought a real, live touch of home to soldiers headed for the front lines in Europe.
Billy Marsh Herbert Hoover's Boy Biographer
Eleven-year-old Billy Marsh made headlines around the world with his self-published biography of the beleaguered and unpopular 31st President.

Table of Contents

Prologue in Perspective: Honoring a Sacred Obligation to History
Allen Weinstein

Herbert Hoover's Boy Biographer
Glen Jeansonne

Clara Pix Ritter: Confederate Agent
Lee A. Gladwin

Wearing Lipstick to War: An American Woman in World War II England and France
James H. Madison

Nixon's Library Now a Part of NARA: California Facility Will Hold All Documents and Tapes From a Half-Century Career in Politics
James Worsham

Listening to Nixon: An Archivist's Reflections on His Work with the White House Tapes
Samuel W. Rushay, Jr.

Spotlight on NARA: Preserving the Past, Keeping Pace with the Future
Mary C. Ryan

Genealogy Notes: Looking for an Ancestor in the Panama Canal Zone, 1904–1914
Robert Ellis

Authors on the Record: Partners in Power: Nixon and Kissinger

Foundation for the National Archives

Pieces of History: Lincoln's Own Words, Newly Discovered

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Articles published in Prologue do not necessarily represent the views of NARA or of any other agency of the United States Government.

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Fall 2007 cover

Genealogy Notes

Looking for an Ancestor in the Panama Canal Zone, 1904–1914

document thumbnail

Explore court records created during the building of the Atlantic-Pacific link

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Prologue in Perspective

Signing Nixon Library transfer agreement Honoring a Sacred Obligation to History By Allen Weinstein.

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