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Reallotment of FY2000 Tribal CCDF Funds

Related Items: ACF Regional Administrators | FY1999 Reallotment Instruction


Program Instruction (ACYF-PI-CC-01-04) (Also available in Word and PDF)

for Children
and Families
Administration on Children, Youth and Families
1. Log No: ACYF-PI-CC-01-04 2. Issuance Date: March 5, 2001
3. Originating Office: Child Care Bureau
4. Key Words: Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Reallotment Process for Indian Tribes


Tribal Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Lead Agencies


Reallotment of Funds

Legal and Related References:

Section 6580(e)(4) of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-508) as amended by P.L. 102-401, P.L. 102-586, P.L. 103-171, P.L. 104-193, and P.L. 105-33. 45 CFR 98.64(d).


Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) monies awarded in fiscal year (FY) 2000 must be obligated by September 30, 2001. If a Tribal Lead Agency will be unable to obligate its Discretionary CCDF allocation by the deadline, it must notify ACF via letter.

This letter must indicate the amount of FY 2000 funds that the Tribe will be unable to obligate by September 30, 2001. These funds will be realloted to other Tribes if the conditions in 45 CFR 98.64(d) are met.

This process allows ACF to reallot unused Discretionary funds to other Tribes. Otherwise, any CCDF funds that do not meet obligation time frames will revert to the Federal Treasury. The reallotment process applies only to Discretionary funds (and is not available for Tribal Mandatory funds).



The letter, indicating the amount of FY 2000 funds that the Tribe will be unable to obligate by the end of this fiscal year, must be postmarked by April 1, 2001.



The letter should be sent to:

Child Care Bureau
Administration on Children, Youth and Families
Switzer Building, Room 2046
330 C. Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20447
Attention: Ginny Gorman

A copy of the letter should also be sent to the ACF Regional Office.



Direct all inquiries to the appropriate ACF Regional Administrator.
James A. Harrell
Acting Commissioner
Administration on Children, Youth and Families

Related Items: ACF Regional Administrators | FY1999 Reallotment Instruction