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Data, publications and reports

Publication highlights

2008 Communities Count Report (external site)
The 2008 Report updates indicators of community life that were reported in previous years' reports, tracking social, economic, health, environmental or cultural conditions of value or concern to people residing in King County. With this information, the public, local governments, and private funders can make informed decisions toward building and sustaining healthy communities.

Community Health Indicators
A set of indicators measuring the health of King County residents. It provides a broad array of comprehensive, population-based data with the emphasis on relying on data about the entire community to look at multiple determinants of health.

Report: The Health of King County
The Health of King County report shows that county residents are generally healthy and are living longer, though many communities are facing significant ongoing and emerging challenges.

Browse by category

Reports and publications from A - Z

Access to care/insurance Maternal and child health
Cancer and the environment Oral health (PDF)
Chronic diseases Periodical publications
Communicable diseases STD data and statistical resources
Data Watch Report Substance abuse trends
Ethnicity and health Violence and injury
General/crosscutting topics Youth health
HIV/AIDS reports and other publications

Community data sources

Census Viewer by King County GIS
Census Viewer is web-based application that allows you to view maps and tables of more than 100 community census data indicators for 77 defined places throughout all of King County.

White Center & Boulevard Park Community Data
This website is designed to be a resource for community organizations, government agencies, researchers and community residents working to strengthen families and neighborhoods. The site provides easy access to current data about the population and housing characteristics of the White Center and Boulevard Park neighborhoods of King County.
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A gateway to online public health resources, including free and fee-based full text articles, links to authoritative public health websites and searchable databases, and access to document delivery and reference assistance.