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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Research on Child and Adolescent Health: New Starts

Fiscal Year 1997

In building on its research on child health, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) funded grants starting in Fiscal Year 1997 that focus on outcomes; quality; and cost, use, and access. Select for more information on the Agency's Child Health Research Agenda. AHRQ was formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.


Cost, Use, and Access
Additional Information


Severity of Lower Respiratory Tract Illness in Infants
Description: This project is developing severity measures that are intended to be useful in preparing guidelines in decisionmaking for management of lower respiratory tract illness in infants.
Principal Investigator: Kenneth M. McConnochie, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Grant No.: R01 HS09062 (07/01/97-06/30/00)

Statistical Inference for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Description: The second study of this project is focusing on strategies for the care of very low birthweight (VLBW) infants. This research is investigating competing treatment strategies for VLBW infant care relating to patient benefits and costs, using outcome data from the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands.
Principal Investigator: Joseph Gardiner, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Grant No.: R01 HS09514 (07/01/97-06/30/00)

Assessing Outcomes of Dental Care with Claims Data
Description: This study is examining the effects of specific clinical procedures on subsequent oral health and future use of dental care in children.
Principal Investigator: Stephen A. Eklund, The Regents of the University, Ann Arbor, MI
Grant No.: R03 HS09554 (09/30/97-09/29/99)

Assessing Match in Child/Clinical Communication
Description:This research is evaluating children's recall and understanding of clinical information and the relationship between the children and the clinician. Researchers will be comparing these responses to the medical records and interviews with the clinicians.
Principal Investigator: Charles W. Kalish, Board of Regents of the University, Madison, WI
Grant No.: R03 HS09556 (09/30/97-09/29/99)

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Immunization Barriers: A Study of Pediatric Nurse Practice
Description: This study is conducting a telephone survey to evaluate seven potential barriers to childhood immunizations.
Principal Investigator: Richard K. Zimmerman, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Grant No.: R03 HS09527 (06/01/97-05/31/99)

Evaluation of a Model of Managed Care for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Patients
Description: This project is developing instruments and gathering information to assist health policy and research communities to partner with clinicians to plan effective and efficient systems of care for people with SCD.
Principal Investigator: Thomas R. Konrad, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
Grant No.: R03 HS09553 (09/30/97-09/29/99)

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Cost, Use, and Access

Medicaid Managed Care and the Oregon Health Plan (OHP)
Description: This study is evaluating the effect of a mandated change in the source of care for low-income populations from public to private providers on WIC participation. The research is comparing participation of WIC Medicaid patients before and after implementation of the OHP where WIC was used as an indicator of referral to appropriate community programs for high-risk populations.
Principal Investigator: Alison R. Buist, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Grant No.: R03 HS09606 (07/01/97-12/31/98)

Medicaid Changes: Impact On At-Risk Children
Description: This study is assessing the impact of home visitation services and enrollment into Medicaid managed care on primary care and continuity of care for children at risk for child abuse and neglect.
Principal Investigator: Laurel K. Leslie, Children's Hospital Research Center, San Diego, CA
Grant No.: R03 HS09563 (09/30/97-09/29/99)

Impact of Managed Care on African-Americans
Description: The project is studying the impact of managed care on access and use of health care services by the African-American population, including children.
Principal Investigator: Mahmud Hassan, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL
Grant No.: R03 HS09569 (09/30/97-01/31/00)

Hospital Use and Costs by Children with Asthma, 1988-1994
Description: This study is investigating the impact of hospital and patient characteristics on inpatient charges, length of stay, and mortality for children with asthma while controlling for the severity of the asthma.
Principal Investigator: John R. Meurer, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Grant No.: R03 HS09564 (09/30/97-09/29/99)

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Efficacy of Prenatal Care for Women and Children's Health
Description: This conference is designed to synthesize and summarize existing effectiveness research on prenatal care, identify gaps in the literature, and suggest general topics for future primary care research on prenatal care.
Principal Investigator: Marie E. McCormick, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
Grant No.: R13 HS09528 (01/01/97-12/31/98)

Healthy People 2000: Taking Action with Children and Families
Description: This 2-day conference focuses on applied research and action to advance the goals for children and families set forth in Healthy People 2000 and Healthier People in Wisconsin: A Public Health Agenda for the Year 2000.
Principal Investigator: Ardene Brown, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Grant No.: R13 HS09362 (02/01/97-01/31/99)

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Additional Information

For more information, contact:

Denise Dougherty, Ph.D.
Senior Advisor, Child Health
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
540 Gaither Road, Suite 2000
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 427-1868
Fax: (301) 427-1561

AHRQ Publication No. 00-P033
Current as of February 2000

Internet Citation:

Research on Child and Adolescent Health: New Starts, Fiscal Year 1997. Fact Sheet. AHRQ Publication No. 00-P033, February 1, 2000. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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