Table A-8. Unemployed persons by reason for unemployment

  HOUSEHOLD DATA                                                                                                           HOUSEHOLD DATA
  Table A-8.  Unemployed persons by reason for unemployment

  (Numbers in thousands)
                                                   Not seasonally adjusted                        Seasonally adjusted                    
                                                   July      June      July      July      Mar.      Apr.      May       June      July  
                                                   2008      2009      2009      2008      2009      2009      2009      2009      2009  
              NUMBER OF UNEMPLOYED                                                                                                       
  Job losers and persons who completed                                                                                                   
   temporary jobs..............................    4,562     9,194     9,447     4,595     8,243     8,814     9,546     9,649     9,560 
    On temporary layoff........................    1,134     1,503     1,804     1,041     1,557     1,625     1,832     1,762     1,680 
    Not on temporary layoff....................    3,428     7,691     7,643     3,554     6,686     7,189     7,714     7,886     7,880 
      Permanent job losers.....................    2,512     6,294     6,320     (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)   
      Persons who completed temporary jobs.....      916     1,397     1,323     (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)   
  Job leavers..................................      904       778       917       875       887       890       910       822       885 
  Reentrants...................................    2,825     3,697     3,464     2,668     2,974     3,087     3,180     3,335     3,312 
  New entrants.................................    1,142     1,425     1,373       818       868       900       956       947       967 
              PERCENT DISTRIBUTION                                                                                                       
  Total unemployed.............................    100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0     100.0 
   Job losers and persons who completed                                                                                                  
    temporary jobs.............................     48.4      60.9      62.1      51.3      63.5      64.4      65.4      65.4      64.9 
     On temporary layoff.......................     12.0      10.0      11.9      11.6      12.0      11.9      12.6      11.9      11.4 
     Not on temporary layoff...................     36.3      51.0      50.3      39.7      51.5      52.5      52.9      53.5      53.5 
   Job leavers.................................      9.6       5.2       6.0       9.8       6.8       6.5       6.2       5.6       6.0 
   Reentrants..................................     29.9      24.5      22.8      29.8      22.9      22.5      21.8      22.6      22.5 
   New entrants................................     12.1       9.4       9.0       9.1       6.7       6.6       6.6       6.4       6.6 
         UNEMPLOYED AS A PERCENT OF THE                                                                                                  
                 CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE                                                                                                    
   Job losers and persons who completed                                                                                                  
    temporary jobs.............................      2.9       5.9       6.0       3.0       5.4       5.7       6.2       6.2       6.2 
   Job leavers.................................       .6        .5        .6        .6        .6        .6        .6        .5        .6 
   Reentrants..................................      1.8       2.4       2.2       1.7       1.9       2.0       2.1       2.2       2.1 
   New entrants................................       .7        .9        .9        .5        .6        .6        .6        .6        .6 

    1 Data not available.
    NOTE:  Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

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Last Modified Date: August 07, 2009