All Hands Messages

2006 OPM Federal Human Capital Survey (All Hands Email)

To the Men and Women of the Coast Guard:

The Office of Personnel Management is administering the 2006 Federal Human Capital Survey for the Department of Homeland Security's civilian employees later this month. This survey will measure the department's climate, work environment and human capital practices. OPM will send the confidential survey either electronically or through the postal service to selected civilian employees.

If selected to participate, I strongly urge you to take the thirty minutes to complete it. The Department of Homeland Security has a set a goal of obtaining the organizational excellence as a high-performance organization. In order to reach this goal, the Department and the Coast Guard need a dedicated, statisfied and energized workforce. Your honest and forthright responses to this survey are important and will help us achieve our goals,

As I have told many of you at "All Hands" and other "get togethers" I believe that transparency of information breeds self correcting behavior. The Coast Guard can't improve unless you tell us what you think. The Department can't improve unless they know what we think. Take the time to participate.

Thank you in advance for you participation. It is consistant with our core values... honor respect, and devotion to duty.

Last Modified 1/17/2008