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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Fisheries Management - Information Bulletins

Information Bulletin 09-42
Sustainable Fisheries Division

March 27, 2009

NMFS Announces Revisions of the Maximum Retainable Amounts of Groundfish in the Arrowtooth Flounder Fishery in the Gulf of Alaska

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces revisions to the maximum retainable amounts (MRAs) of selected species of groundfish closed to directed fishing using arrowtooth as a basis species in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). This action is effective 12 noon, Alaska local time, March 27, 2009, according to Robert D. Mecum, Acting Administrator, Alaska Region, NMFS.

When closed to directed fishing, the MRAs for deep-water flatfish, rex sole, flathead sole, shallow-water flatfish, Atka mackerel, and skates are increased from 0 percent to 20 percent, for aggregated rockfish from 0 percent to 5 percent, and for sablefish from 0 percent to 1 percent in the arrowtooth flounder fishery in the GOA.

The intended effect of this action is to reduce discards, required by regulation, of otherwise marketable fish in the arrowtooth flounder fishery in the GOA. It may also provide an opportunity to harvest additional amounts of the groundfish in the GOA arrowtooth flounder fishery.

When groundfish targets are closed to directed fishing the MRAs at 50 CFR 679.20(e) and (f), and in Table 10 to part 679, apply at any time during a fishing trip.

This information bulletin only provides notice of a regulatory change. For the purposes of complying with the regulatory change, you are advised to see the actual text in the Federal Register notice at http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/frules/74fr13348.pdf, or call Sustainable Fisheries, 907-586-7228.

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