U.S. Census Bureau

ZIP Business Patterns -- ZBP

Now Available.... Business data for 40,000 ZIP Codes...
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Simple display of industries for each ZIP Code

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Data are classified by NAICS starting 1998.
Data by SIC exist for 1994 to 1997.

Locate new business sites . . . evaluate opportunities . . . construct custom profiles . . . learn how your community stacks up against your neighbors . . . industry by industry

ZIP Business Patterns presents business counts, by size, for hundreds of industries....plus summaries by ZIP code (without industry breakdown) for employment, payroll, and counts by employment size.

ZBP databases cover businesses in around 40,000 5-digit ZIP codes Nationwide.

Other statistics by ZIP:  Economic Census . . . Census of Population and Housing

See also:
 County Business Patterns . . . Comments? epcd.county.business.patterns@census.gov