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The Oscars of the Internet

Science@NASA joins 4 other web sites as nominees for the Internet's most prestigious science award

Science@NASA's sun scientistJan. 19, 1999: The San Francisco Chronicle called them the "Oscars of the Internet." They are coveted by webmasters everywhere. In March 1999, celebrities from around the globe will descend on San Francisco to see them. What are they?

They're the Webby Awards. Sponsored by the the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences (IADAS), the Webbies recognise the best sites on the Internet for their creativity and innovation. The nominees for this year's Webby Awards were unveiled on Jan. 7, 1999 in twenty-two categories ranging from Art to Weird.

This year's Science category includes the Marshall Space Flight Center's NASA Science News web site, Science@NASA.

Recent Headlines
December 3: Mars Polar Lander nears touchdown

December 2: What next, Leonids?

November 30: Polar Lander Mission Overview

November 30: Learning how to make a clean sweep in space
"We're thrilled to be nominated," reacted Dr. John Horack, the director of science communications at NASA/Marshall's Space Sciences Laboratory. "We try hard to communicate NASA science to people from all walks of life. A Webby nomination tells me that we're reaching out effectively to a broad audience. Plus, it's an honor to be included in the same group as the other 'Science' nominees. They are all superb web sites." The other nominees are Scientific American, the University of Arizona Biology Project, The Union of Concerned Scientists, and last year's winner, The San Francisco Exploratorium. Science@NASA is the only US government web site nominated for a 1999 Webby.

The People's Choice

The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences invites you to make your own selections for the best sites on the Internet. To cast your vote for the "People's Voice" award, click here.

There are two awards: a People's Voice award, chosen by popular vote, (see left) and the Webby Award selected by IADAS. According to the IADAS, the Webby Award judges are notable in their fields of expertise. They are "evangelists, visionaries, journalists, and top-notch [web] developers." The 1999 academy of judges includes California Sen. Barbara Boxer, Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams, NASA astrophysicist Dr. Laura Whitlock, and musician David Bowie.

The Webby Award ceremony will take place Mar. 13, 1999 in San Francisco. Ms. Linda Porter and Dr. Tony Phillips will attend as representatives of the Science@NASA web team.

External Web Links

The Webby Awards - from the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences

International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences - home page

And the nominees are... -- Jan. 7, 1999 CNN story on the Webby Awards

Best of the Web: The 1998 Webby Award Winners -- from PC World Magazine

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Author: Dr. Tony Phillips
Production Editor: Dr. Tony Phillips
Curator: Bryan Walls
Responsible NASA official: John M. Horack