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Note: Signed Rules of Behavior are NOW Required for All ESAAS New/Change Request

Users of the GOALS II FMS Reporting Application(s) must acknowledge and adhere to the GOALS II Rules of Behavior. The Rules of Behavior state the responsibilities of a user that is to be granted access to the GOALS II FMS Reporting Application(s). Currently, GOALS II applications are: FACTS I, FACTS II, FMS 1219/1220, GFRS, IFCS, SOD.

The Rules of Behavior are now a part of the ESAAS request form that must be signed and submitted with any new/change ESAAS request. An ESAAS request that is submitted without a signed copy of the Rules of Behavior Acceptance is subject to delay in processing or non-approval.

Questions may be addressed by contacting the Financial Operations Call Center at (202) 874-8270 or e-mail:

Submit ESAAS form along with Rules of Behavior Acceptance to:

Fax to: (202) 874-6170 or

Mail to:
Financial Management Service
GOALS Customer Support Staff
Room 800A, PGMC II
3700 East-West Highway
Hyattsville, MD 20782

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   Last Updated:  Monday March 16, 2009

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