Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Phone Numbers

EMERGENCY NUMBERS:       - 911 -
1(800) 982-8813, D-13 USCG Command Center

VHFM RADIO CH. 16 (156.8 mhz.)

CELL PHONE  *24 &  *CG
(NOT ALL cell phones offer instant access to Coast Guard  *=star symbol on phone)

Aid to Navigation Broadcast Information
Recorded 800-982-8813 (or 206-220-7000)
Select 3 for operations, then select 6 for area

Phone List

Office Number
Exchange  (206)587-0307
H.R.S.I.C. (records, pay info, etc.) (785)357-3415  
Museum ( Mon, Wed, Fri 0530-2000  Sat, Sun 0800-2000) (206)217-6993 
Decedent Affairs (206)217-6513
I.D. Cards (206)217-6510
Documentation 1(800)799-8362
Examination Center  (MSO Puget Sound) (206)217-6115
Licensing  (206)217-6200
Barber Shop  (206)622-1579
Health Clinic Appointments  (Mon-Thu 0645-1530, Fri 0645-1130) (206)217-6430
Marine Safety Office Puget Sound (206)217-6232
Vessel Inspection Branch (206)217-6180
Chaplain (206)217-6995


Staff Symbol District Office Phone Number
d District Commander Phone: (206)220-7090 
Fax: (206)220-7092
dcea Command Enlisted Advisor Phone: (206)220-7192
r Chief, Administration Division Phone: (206)220-7223 
Fax: (206)220-7073
rp Military Personnel Section Phone: (206)220-7054 
Fax: (206)220-7073
rf Finance Branch Phone: (206)220-7066 
Fax: (206)220-7073
dhm Equal Opportunity Advisor Phone: (206)222-4332
Fax: (206)222-4333
dl Legal Officer Phone: (206)220-7110 
Fax: (206)220-7119
ipa Public Affairs Office Phone: (206)220-7237 
Fax: (206)220-7245
dpl Planning Officer Phone: (206)220-7130 
Fax: (206)220-7342
dre Contingency Plans Staff Phone: (206)220-7337 
Fax: (206)220-7342
dt Communications Management Staff Phone: (206)220-7157 
Fax: (206)220-7187
m Chief, Marine Safety Division Phone: (206)220-7210 
Fax: (206)220-7225
dr Chief, Operations Division Phone: (206)220-7255 
Fax: (206)220-7265
dpw Aids to Navigation & Waterways Management Branch Phone: (206) 220-7270
Fax: (206)220-7265
dpa Chief, Auxiliary Division Phone: (206)220-7080 
Fax: (206)220-7084
dre Law Enforcement Branch Phone: (206)220-7295 
Fax: (206)220-7306
osr Search and Rescue Branch Phone: (206)220-7255 
Fax: (206)220-7265



Phone Number 

cc Command Center (Search & Rescue) Phone: (206)220-7001 
  Congressional Outreach Office Phone: (206)220-7223 
Fax: (206)220-7037
CMS CMS Custodian Phone: (206)220-7024 
Fax: (206)220-7009
CommCen Telecommunications Center Phone: (206)220-7021 
Fax: (206)220-7009
SecMgr Security Manager Phone: (206)220-7307 
Fax: 206.220.7306
Last Modified 8/11/2008