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Read and Martin.
Live From Miami, It’s The Weather Channel’s ‘Hurricane Week’
As part of its "Hurricane Week" evening coverage, The Weather Channel conducted two live broadcasts from NOAA's National Hurricane Center in Miami, Fla., on June 24. [more]
Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Tours NOAA’s National Hurricane Center
Jane Holl Lute, deputy secretary, Department of Homeland Security, made a visit to NOAA’s National Hurricane Center facility in Miami on April 20. [more]
Miami Dade Fair.
NOAA Takes Miami-Dade County Fair By Storm
An estimated half-million visitors passed through NOAA’s one-stop weather preparedness and awareness display at this year’s Miami-Dade County Fair and Exposition. The exhibit was hosted by NOAA's Miami National Weather Service forecast office and the National Hurricane Center. [more]

Hurricane Hunter.
Forecasters Bring “Hurricane Hunter” and Awareness to Storm-Prone Regions
More than 13,000 people across the Caribbean, Mexico and the Bahamas took a rare, first-hand look inside one of the best defenses against hurricanes: the WC-130J “Hurricane Hunter” aircraft the week of March 22. [more]

Worker in Marine Biotoxins Faciliity.
South Carolina
NOAA Lab Managers Steer Design of Remodeled Marine Biotoxins Facility
When scientists with NOAA’s Marine Biotoxins Program in Charleston, S.C., looked at the prospects of updating their 30-year old laboratory facilities, they didn’t see it as a challenge, but as an opportunity. They decided to get actively engaged in the design process. [more]

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States of the Southeast & Caribbean Region - Offices and Work Conducted

NOAA In Your State
  • Georgia
  • Florida *
  • North Carolina
  • Puerto Rico
  • South Carolina

* Also member of the Gulf of Mexico Region