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Timi Vann with family at SeaFest.

NOAA Shows Off Its Science at SeaFest 2009
More than 5,000 visitors celebrated science and the sea at the Hatfield Marine Science Center’s seventh annual SeaFest event in Newport, Ore., on June 27. This year’s all-day festival focused on the NOAA-supported Year of Science initiative celebrating weather and climate, as well as local marine research. [more]

San Francisco’s Exploratorium science center and museum.

NOAA and Exploratorium to Bring Earth Science to Life: Scientists and Museum Staff Meet at ESRL
Exploratorium staff spent a week this August at NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colo., brainstorming with scientists and researchers about how to convey Earth science to the public in an engaging and fun way. [more]

James E. Lee speaks at a local press event.

Maryland County Is First to Tout ‘When Thunder Roars’ Campaign
Howard County, Md., became the first county in the nation to adopt the National Weather Service’s “When Thunder Roars Go Indoors” lightning safety campaign. [more]

Taylor at Art Show.

New York
‘On the Edge’ Inspires Stewardship Through Art
Colorful crabs and turtles, sparkling bays and curvaceous coastlines were just a few of the images on display this June at the “On the Edge” art show in Greenport, N.Y. The show’s goal was to create awareness about coastal habitat stewardship while benefitting New York Sea Grant and Cornell University. [more]

Ancient ships.

Asian-Pacific Ships Celebrate Heritage and Goodwill
Two “ancient” ships sailed together near Diamond Head in Oahu, Hawaii, this past January as part of a “goodwill tour” promoting the seafaring legacy of China and a cultural exchange between crew members from the United States and Asia. Onboard one of the ships was NOAA Sanctuary's Hans Van Tilburg. [more]

NOAA item for Kailua’s parade.
For NOAA’s Pacific Region, a ‘Hit’ Parade for the Fourth
Everybody loves a parade — especially the town of Kailua in windward Oahu, Hawaii, which has held a Fourth of July parade every year for the past 62 years. Given all the fanfare, NOAA’s Pacific Region Outreach Group chose to participate in the parade for the first time as a way of reaching out to the community and bonding with other NOAA colleagues from throughout Hawaii. [more]

Read and Martin.
Live From Miami, It’s The Weather Channel’s ‘Hurricane Week’
As part of its "Hurricane Week" evening coverage, The Weather Channel conducted two live broadcasts from NOAA's National Hurricane Center in Miami, Fla., on June 24. [more]
Ping Pong Tournament.
Silver Spring, Md.
‘Blue Whales’ Beached by ‘Red Tide’: NOAA's 1st Ping-Pong Tournament
NOAA's inaugural Ping-Pong Tournament began with the “Executive Grudge Match” between Glackin, Ribas, and Furgione on June 3 in Silver Spring, Md. [more]
Lubchenco in Boulder.
Second Try a Charm for NOAA Administrator’s Boulder Visit
A spectacular spring day filled with sunshine and wildflowers, along with some very excited employees, greeted NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco during her first trip to NOAA’s Boulder, Colo., campus on May 29. [more]

Climate Workshop.
Silver Spring, Md.
Communicators Swap Stories at ClimateWatch Workshop
Communicators across NOAA are working hard to harness the power of effective storytelling to engage the public, the media and policy makers about climate change and to promote climate literacy. [more]

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