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NOAA Sea Turtle Video Publications
This page is currently under construction. Please check back for updates. (updated 07/2006)

Observer Training Videos

The videos below will be downloaded onto your Local machine for viewing. They are MPEG's or .mpg files. The video size in Megabytes (MB) is listed as well as the length of the video in minutes. Depending on the speed of your connection and computer this may take several minutes.

Sea Turtle Observer Video- complete version (103MB) 34:23minutes long. Please note that this video file is the complete version encompassing all the sections below and may take a couple minutes to download. Please notice the video has been sectioned into categories for your convenience. 

Individual sections of Observer Video

Introduction (2.4 MB) 0:48 min

Species Identification (14.5 MB) 4:48 min

Sex Determination (1.7 MB) 0:33 min

Procedures for Non-Boated Turtles (7.4 MB) 2:27 min

Procedures for Boated Turtles (6.4 MB) 2:06 min

External Exam (19.9 MB) 6:36 min

Hookings & Resuscitations (6.1 MB) 2:00 min

Tools and Preparations (2.2 MB) 0:43 min 

Flipper Tagging (8.1 MB) 2:41 min

Measuring (12.7 MB) 4:12 min

PIT Tagging (7.9 MB) 2:36 min

Biopsy Sample Collection (3.3 MB) 1:05 min

Blood Collection & Handling (5.8 MB) 1:54 min

Summary & Credits (4.7 MB) 1:33 min

Removing Fishing Gear from Longline Caught Sea Turtles (257MB)25:13 minutes long. This video mpeg details the tools and techniques for safely removing hooks and line from incidentally captured sea turtles. These files are very large and may take several minutes to download.

In addition to the complete mpeg version, this video has been sectioned into chapters for your convenience. To view these individual chapters, you will need QuickTime. For a free download of QuickTime, visit QuickTime page.

Individual chapters (Posted 2/2006) 

Removing Fishing Gear from Longline Caught Sea Turtles Como extraer aparejos de pesca de las tortugas atrapadas en sedales de palangre (Spanish translation) Tiếng Việt Nam (Vietnamese translation)
Complete (81.7 MB) 25:02 Completo (84.1 MB) 24:58 Tất cả (84.1 MB) 25:00
Introduction (7.46 MB) 2:10 Introduccion (7.74 MB) 2:10 Phần 1 (7.8 MB) 2:10
Section 1: Tools for removing fishing gear from sea turtles
(17.2 MB) 5:07
Seccion 1: Herramientas para remover el aparejo de pesca de tortugas marinas (17.1 MB) 5:07 Phần 2 (17.1 MB) 5:07
Section 2: Removing fishing gear from sea turtles which cannot be boated (18.7 MB) 5:40 Seccion 2: Como remover el aparejo de pesca de tortugas marinas que no se pueden embarcar (19.6 MB) 5:40 Phần 3 (19.6 MB) 5:40
Section 3: Removing fishing gear from turtles which can be boated (31.3 MB) 9:29 Seccion 3: Como extraer aparejos de pesca de tortugas que se pueden embarcar (34.5 MB) 9:29 Phần 4 (30.8 MB) 9:29
Conclusion (7.66 MB) 2:25 Conclusion (8.18 MB) 2:29 Phần 5 (8.18 MB) 2:31

Leatherbacks Aboard video (92.39MB) 9:03 minutes. Video mpeg demonstrating a technique to bring a leatherback sea turtle aboard a commercial fishing vessel to safely release it from fishing gear.

Turtle Excluder Device (TED) Videos   (Posted 7/2006) 

Better TEDs for Better Fisheries (225.9 MB) 18 minutes. Coorperation of fishermen and government to develop and refine better TEDs. Better TEDs allow for the recovery of protected marine turtles and the economic success of the shrimp fishery.

Turtle Excluder Device (TED) Certification Tests (71.7 MB) 6 minutes. Demonstrates the process by which TEDs are tested using live cative-reared loggerhead turtles.

TED Installation Guides

Installation of the 44 inch Inshore TED Opening (158.1 MB) 12:40 minutes.

A Guide to the installation of the 71 inch TED Opening (141.6 MB) 11:11 minutes.

A Guide to installation of the Double Cover Flap Turtle Excluder Device (178.8 MB) 14:05 minutes.

The Anatomy of Sea Turtles

To view these videos you will need QuickTime. For a free download of QuickTime, visit files are very large and may take several minutes to download.

The Anatomy of Sea Turtles
The Anatomy of Sea Turtles - the manual (PDF)

Videos. This four part video series is supplemental to the manual.

Part 1:Introduction, Terminology and Species Identification (63.5 MB, 6 min)

Part 2:Dissection, Preparation, Standard Measurements, Dissection Tools, Anatomy, Opening the Body (65.7 MB, 5.5 min)

Part 3:Ventral Anatomy, Internal Anatomy and Landmarks, and GI Tract (103.2 MB, 9 min)

Part 4:Dorsal Anatomy, Sexual Dimorphism, Lungs and Airways, Exposing the Brain, Summary, and Credits (68.2 MB, 6 min)

La Anatomia de las Tortugas Marinas

Para ver los videos en Espanol necesitara el programa QuickTime. Obtengalo gratis en el siguiente sitio de Internet Estos archivos son muy grandes y puede tomarle varios minutos descargarlos.

La Anatomia de las Tortugas Marinas
La Anatomia de las Tortugas Marinas - el manual (PDF)

Videos. Esta serie de cuatro videos es comlementaria el manual.

Parte 1:Introduccion, Terminologia, Identificacion de Especies (19.1 MB, 5.5 min)

Parte 2:Preparacion para la Diseccion, Medidas Estandar, Equipo de Diseccion, Anatomia, Abriendo el Cuerpo (19.0 MB, 5.5 min)

Parte 3:Anatomia Ventral, Anatomia Interna y Marcadores de Lugar, Via Gastrointestinal (28.3 MB, 8.5 min)

Parte 4:Anatomia Dorsal, Dimorfismo Sexual, Pulmones y Vias Respiratorias, Abriendo el Cerebro, Resumen y Creditos (20 MB, 6 min)

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