NSSL Video Highlights
Mobile mesonet pursues a tornadic storm.

NSSL in the Field

Learn more about NSSL's activities in field observations: the instruments, the vehicles, the history, and the next big project, VORTEX2. Ride along with NSSL scientists as they take their instruments to the storm.

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Visitors view TOTO,  the inspiration for the movie, "Twister"

Highlights from the 2007 National Weather Festival

The Norman Chamber of Commerce’s Weather Committee hosted the 3rd Annual National Weather Festival on Saturday, Oct. 20, at the National Weather Center in Norman. The free public event featured tours, children’s activities, a storm chaser car show, displays by local businesses, weather-related seminars, Science on a Sphere, and hourly weather balloon launches. (Time: 03:54)

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Phased array radar

Multifunction Phased Array Radar

The future of weather radar lies in phased array technology, with its advanced multi-function capabilities and performance. This video gives a brief overview of the advantages to be gained from the implementation of phased array radar technology, with emphasis on improvements in weather forecasting, transportation safety, homeland security, and the cost effectiveness of the system. (Time: 04:55)

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Dr. Kimpel

NOAA Weather Partners Spotlight: NSSL

Severe weather and the tools to forecast and monitor it. This is the focus of researchers at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. This brief video, featuring NSSL Director, Dr. Jeff Kimpel, provides an overview of the research conducted at NSSL, highlighting the three main topics of weather radar, hydrometeorology, and forecast and warning improvements. (Time: 04:44)

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