United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

National Center for Ethics in Health Care


Scroll through the list below or perform a Search on a particular health care ethics topic to find related articles, publications, etc. on the Center's website.

NET Summaries: transcripts of  National Ethics Teleconferences (NET calls).

NEC Reports Prior to 2000: early reports produced by the National Ethics Committee.

news@vhaethics: the Ethics Center's former newsletter.

 [Note: This publication has been replaced by Update (news) and IN fOCUS (ethics content).]



Use this link to locate and download viewers  for file types you may find on this web page. Installing a viewer on your computer will allow you to view files (with filename extensions like .doc, .ppt, pdf, etc.) when you don't have the software that was used to create the files.


NET Summaries

Ethical Considerations in Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain Management (November 2005) [Word]

Shared Medical Appointments: Ethical Concerns (October 2005) [Word]

CASES: A New Approach to Ethics Consultation (September 2005) [Word]

Privacy, Safety and Patient Social Security Numbers: Ethics Concerns (July 2005) [Word]

What Does DNR Really Mean? (June 2005) [Word]

The Ethical Duty to Protect Third Parties from Dangerous Patients (April 2005) [Word]    

Terminal Extubation: Ethics Perspectives (March 2005) [Word]

Disclosing Patients' Protected Health Information (February 2005) [Word]

The IntegratedEthics Initiative: What It Means for Your Facility (January 2005) [Word]

Highlights from the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) 2004 Annual Meeting (November 2004) [Word]

Life Sustaining Treatments and Vegetative State: Implications of the March 2004 Papal Allocution for VHA Health Care (October 2004) [Word]

National Ethics Committee Report, Online Patient-Clinician Messaging: Fundamentals of Ethical Practice (September 2004) [Word]

Clinical Use of Placebo: An Ethics Analysis (July 2004) [Word]

Informed Consent for HIV Testing: Ethical Issues (June 2004) [Word]

Ethical Considerations When Treating Erectile Dysfunction in Patients with Sexually Transmissible Diseases (May 2004) [Word]

Ethical Principles at the Foundation of JCAHO's Ethics, Rights, and Responsibilities Standards (April 2004) [Word]

Should Patients be Able to Refuse Care by House Officers or Trainees? (March 2004) [Word]

Copying, Pasting, and Duplicating in the Electronic Medical Record: An Ethical Analysis (February 2004) [Word]

National Ethics Committee Report: Gifts to Health Care Professionals from the Pharmaceutical Industry (January 2004) [Word]

Practicing Medical Procedures on the Newly Dead (November 2003) [Word]

A Personal Reflection on the Evolution of Ethics in VHA (October 2003) [Word]

National Ethics Committee Report: Ethical Boundaries in the Patient Clinician Relationship (September 2003) [Word]

Cultures and Persons, Patients and Caregivers: Ethical Obligations and Culturally Competent Care (August 2003) [Word]

The Ethics of Tissue Banking for Future Genetic Research (July 2003) [Word]

Health Care Ethics Issues Raised by SARS (June 2003) [Word]

Ethical Issues in Advance Directives for Behavioral Health Care (May 2003) [Word]

National Ethics Committee Report: Disclosing Adverse Events to Patients (April 2003) [Word]

Strategies to Make Advance Care Planning More Effective: Best Practices (March 2003) [Word]

Preparing for a JCAHO Visit: Patient Rights and Organization Ethics Standards Ethics Component of a JCAHO Survey (February 2003) [Word]

Informed Consent Policy Revision (January and February 2003) [Word]

An Ethical Analysis of Ethnic Disparities in Health Care (December 2002) [Word]

Ten Myths About Decision-Making Capacity (November 2002) [Word]

Source Patient HIV Testing in Patients who Lack Decision-Making Capacity (October 2002) [Word]

Recommendations for the Ethical Conduct of Quality Improvement (September 2002) [Word]

Terminal Sedation: An Open Discussion (August 2002) [Word]

Ethical Priority of Decedent's vs. Family's Wishes in Organ Donation (July 2002) [Word]

The Conscience Clause (June 2002) [Word]

Core Competencies for Ethics Consultation (May 2002) [Word]

Disaster Medicine: Unique Ethical Challenges (April 2002) [Word]

Do Not Resuscitate Policy Revision: Controversial Topics (March 2002) [Word]

Provider Reporting of Impaired or Potentially Impaired Drivers (February 2002) [Word]

Informed Consent Policy Revision: Medical Decision Making in Patients Without Surrogates (January 2002) [Word]

Evaluation of Ethics Consultation Activities: Grappling with the Bear (December 2001) [Word]

Home Oxygen for Patients Who Smoke: Prescription vs. Proscription (October 2001) [Word]

Managing 'Difficult' or 'Non-Compliant' Patients: Ethical Challenges (September 2001)

Family Presence During Resuscitation (August 2001) [Word]

The Relationship Between Ethics and Compliance and Business Integrity (July 2001) [Word]

Recent Reports form the VHA National Ethics Committee: DNR Orders and Medical Futility and Advance Proxy Planning (June 2001) [Word]

Preparing for a JCAHO Visit: Patients' Rights and Organizational Ethics Standards (May 2001) [Word]

Notification of Patients Potentially Exposed to Mad Cow Disease Through Prior Blood Transfusion: Testing the Limits of Full Disclosure (April 2001) [Word]

Common Pitfalls in Determining Decision-Making Capacity-Live from the National Ethics Committee Meeting (March 2001) [Word]

Access to VA Databases for Research Purposes (February 2001) [Word]

Privacy Requirements During the Organ Donation Process (January 2001) [Word]

Informed Consent for IV Contrast Administration (January 2001) [Word]

DNR Orders and the Electronic Medical Record (December 2000) [Word]

NEC Reports Prior to 2000 

Futility Guidelines: A Resource for Decisions about Withholding and Withdrawing Treatment [PDF]

Allocation of Expensive Medications [PDF]

Ethical Considerations in Equitable Allocation and Distribution of Limited Health Care Resources [PDF]

Guidelines for the Allocation of Unproved Treatments [PDF]

Surrogate-Written Advance Directives [PDF]

Ethical Issues in Long-Term Care [PDF]

Physician-Assisted Suicide [PDF]

Ethical Considerations in Research: Participants with Impaired Consent Capacity [PDF]

Ethics Consultation on Certain Questions of Enrollment [PDF]

Protection Against "Gag Rules:" Safeguarding Provider-Patient Relationships [PDF]

Relief of Patients' Suffering: An Ethical Overview of a Practical Responsibility [PDF]  

Ethical Considerations for a Multicultural Clinical Workforce [PDF]

Professional Conflicts of Interest for VHA Clinicians [PDF]

Ethics Advisory Committees [PDF]


Fall 2003

Summer 2003

Winter 2002

Summer/Fall 2002 

Spring 2002

Spring 2001

Winter 2001

Fall 2000




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