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Human Resources Division (HRD) - Benefits


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The Benefits Team provides advice and guidance to employees on Federal employee retirement and insurance benefits programs. Processes all retirement applications, TSP contribution elections, and life and health insurance election forms. Determines creditable service for retirement, provides retirement calculations and individual counseling to employees. Provides retirement and benefits seminars for agency employee meetings. Provides assistance to beneficiaries filing retirement and insurance claims when an employee dies.

Specific Benefits information can be accessed using the Related Topics menu to the Right.

Beware of insurance vendors who are not contracted with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). OPM sent this notice to Federal Benefits Officers on July 31, 2009:

"It has come to our attention that many agency officials are being contacted by private insurance representatives who are asking for access to Federal employees to market their products. While this is not new, recently an agent with AFLAC contacted numerous agency officials claiming that 'AFLAC reached an agreement with the Federal Government, to offer AFLAC products at group rates to individual federal employees.' OPM has NOT entered into an agreement with AFLAC."

Employees of the USDA should not permit access to vendors who represent non-Federal insurance products, either on USDA premises or on government time.

Contact your servicing Benefits Specialist if you have questions about Federal benefits, or visit our website for information on Federal benefits.

Last Modified: August 10, 2009

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