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Timi Vann with family at SeaFest.

NOAA Shows Off Its Science at SeaFest 2009
More than 5,000 visitors celebrated science and the sea at the Hatfield Marine Science Center’s seventh annual SeaFest event in Newport, Ore., on June 27. This year’s all-day festival focused on the NOAA-supported Year of Science initiative celebrating weather and climate, as well as local marine research. [more]

San Francisco’s Exploratorium science center and museum.

NOAA and Exploratorium to Bring Earth Science to Life: Scientists and Museum Staff Meet at ESRL
Exploratorium staff spent a week this August at NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colo., brainstorming with scientists and researchers about how to convey Earth science to the public in an engaging and fun way. [more]

Brian Hopper.
NOAA Grounds in Seattle Get Spring Cleaning
Brian Hopper of Fisheries’ Northwest Regional Office was one of 20 volunteers from various line offices who collected twenty-two, 30-gallon bags of trash along the shoreline of Lake Washington on the grounds of NOAA’s Western Regional Center in North Seattle on Earth Day (April 22). [more]
Grunion greeters.
When the Grunion Run, Citizen Scientists Keep One Step Ahead
“Grunion Greeters” are a volunteer corps of citizen scientists working with researchers from Pepperdine University and NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service to track the secret lives of grunion, the unique marine fish that spawn at night on the beaches of southern California. [more]
Washington State
NOAA Ship John N. Cobb: From Fisheries Research to the National Register of Historic Places
The long proud history of the John N. Cobb as an active fisheries research vessel came to an end last August at the ship’s decommissioning ceremony, held at the NOAA Western Regional Center in Seattle. [more]

Group Washington
Seattle Navy League “Adopts” NOAA’s Marine Operations Center-Pacific

In a move intended to give it greater visibility and support among local citizenry and officials, the Seattle Council of the Navy League has “adopted” NOAA’s Marine Operations Center-Pacific (MOC-P). [more]

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