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Teaching Improvement Workshops

Teaching excellence is central to education. Teachers serve as models, motivators, and mentors—catalysts of the learning process. CSREES, in cooperation with the Academic Programs Section (APS) of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), conduct annual, regional teaching improvement workshops throughout the calendar year.

These workshops provide the opportunity for university faculty within the food and agricultural sciences to meet and discuss innovative teaching methods, materials, and pedagogy to advance instructional quality within the academic system. Through a cooperative agreement, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University maintains a web site resource of best practices in teaching for use by educators throughout the system.

In addition, the Excellence in University Teaching national awards program recognizes outstanding teachers. Visit the CSREES Web site for Excellence in University Teaching program information and nomination submission guidelines.

For further information, contact Gregory Smith in CSREES.


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