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Agriculture in the Classroom

Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) is a partnership of agriculture, business, education, government, and volunteers, coordinated through CSREES Higher Education Programs, to improve agricultural literacy in the nation's secondary schools. AITC accomplishes this goal through two mechanisms:

  • Projects developed by the national office.
  • Projects developed by the individual state programs.

AITC works with other federal agencies, universities, primary and secondary schools, and non-profit organizations to develop projects to increase agricultural literacy. Its emphasis areas include science literacy, nutrition, agricultural careers, and pre-service education.

AITC material, teacher resources, and lesson plans are available through the AITC Web site. AITC sponsors annual conferences for teachers, volunteers, and other educators. See the EVENTS section of the Education page for specific information.

AITC also hosts a Web-based directory of agricultural education resources that include printed material, CDs, videos, audio kits, and instructional Web sites. These materials are reviewed for accuracy and availability before being included in the directory.

Individual state AITC programs operate independently and use various funding mechanisms, including some federal support.


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