"Availability","Stock Number","ISBN","Price","International Price","Description","Publisher","Year/pages","Note","Key Phrases","SuDocs Class","Author","Weight","Quantity Price","Binding","Cover","Available Date","Subject Bibliography","Status Date","Unit","Unit (non-U.S.)" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-054-00209-9","0-16-075776-2","$ 69.50","$ 97.30","Provides astronomical data for air navigation. Contains ephemeral data for the year, together with auxiliary tables and graphs, and a brief explanation of the use of the volume. Presents data for the Sun, Moon, Aries, planets, and stars. Includes a CD-ROM in a pocket which contains the same information as found on the printed publication in Portable Document Format (PDF). Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar product to view and print. Thirteen digit ISBN: 9780160757761.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Observatory, Nautical Almanac Office","2006: 912 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.","NOTICE: This 2007 edition is the last issue available in print format. With the 2008 edition "Air Almanac" will only be distributed on CD-ROM. NB1314","Stars, Astronomy, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Almanacs, Navigational Aids, Ephemeris, Navigation","","","1 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/18/06","029 222","10/04/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-054-00216-1","9780160803055","$ 27.00","$ 37.80","Provides astronomical data for air navigation. Contains ephemeral data for the year, together with auxiliary tables and graphs, and a brief explanation of the use of the volume. Presents data for the Sun, Moon, Aries, planets, and stars. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar product to view and print. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Observatory, Nautical Almanac Office","2008: CD-ROM in case.","NB1326","Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Astronomy, Electronic Products, Almanacs, Navigational Aids, Ephemeris, Navigation, Aeronautics","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","05/30/08","029 222","05/30/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-054-00300-1","9780160784279","$ 32.50","$ 45.50","Provides astronomical data for air navigation. Contains ephemeral data for the year, together with auxiliary tables and graphs, and a brief explanation of the use of the volume. Presents data for the Sun, Moon, Aries, planets, and stars. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar product to view and print. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Nautical Almanac Office","2007: CD-ROM.","NB1320. ISBN: 0-16-078427-1.","Stars, Astronomy, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Almanacs, Navigational Aids, Ephemeris, Navigation","","","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/21/07","029 222 314","05/21/07","Each","Each"