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grant-writing tools for non-profit organizations
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sample proposals
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Our sample proposals are presented in a two-part format: Sample RFP and corresponding Sample Proposal. We offer two comprehensive sample proposals. Sample one seeks funding from a private foundation, and sample two seeks funding from a government agency.

Sample one (Private RFP & Proposal):

  • Private RFP: Our sample private RFP is from a private foundation for its community development program.

  • Private proposal: Our sample private proposal is from a community-based non-profit organization seeking private foundation funding to form a new low-income housing management company.

Sample two (Public RFP & Proposal):

  • Public RFP: Our sample public RFP is from a city agency targeted to improve the city's low-income neighborhoods.

  • Public proposal: Our sample public proposal is from a partnership of community-based non-profit organizations seeking public, or government, funds from a city agency to provide occupational training construction skills and on-the-job-experience as well as basic educational services and leadership development counseling to disadvantaged youth in conjunction with the rehabilitation of 40 units of low-income rental housing and vacant commercial space.
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