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Workstation Eta Homepage

Welcome to the workstation Eta homepage.   Here you will find the source code, fixed datasets, and instructions needed to get started using the Eta model.  We also hope to use it as a place where questions can be answered, and where the latest changes to the model can be rapidly communicated to the user community.

How to get started:

We are no longer able to have the model openly available via anonymous FTP without a sense of who is downloading and using the model.  Therefore, to obtain the directions on how to get the model, send an e-mail to Matthew.Pyle@noaa.gov with "request" as the subject.  A response will be sent as quickly as possible, but there may be a substantial delay. Our automated mail server is currently down for repair, so someone will have to be here to process your request.

Workstation Eta packages

The EMC workstation version has been installed and used on HP, SGI, IBM, DEC, and Pentium-based LINUX machines.

NWS users planning on running the model on SOO/SAC machines may wish to contact Bob Rozumalski (roz@comet.ucar.edu), as he has simplified the installation procedures and enhanced the user interface to the model for SOO/SAC users.

Topography data

Visit this page to download topography files.  The entire globe is now available, broken into 36 different tiles.


just a dot latest news (updated 19 April 2006)

just a dot FAQ (updated 19 April 2001)

Please note that forecasts generated using the software available here should be considered experimental!!! Note also the NWS Disclaimer

Comments about this page and the workstation Eta in general should be sent to Matthew.Pyle@noaa.gov

CAST: Bobby WorldWide Approved 508