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ACRF Contacts

DOE Program Director - Wanda Ferrell

Directs and empowers the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) budgeting, planning, coordination, and management of activities within the ACRF structure.

Technical Director
Chair, Infrastructure Management Board - Jim Mather

Serves as the Chair of the Infrastructure Management Board (IMB) and is the primary point of contact for the ACRF. The Technical Director is responsible for coordinating the evaluation of the costs, logistics, and other requirements associated with full proposals for Intensive Operational Periods (IOPs) at the ACRF before they are brought before the Science Board for discussion. The Technical Director works with the ACRF Science Liaison on discussions regarding projects that are under consideration by the Science Board. The Technical Director provides the engineering services required for the operation and enhancement of the facility. The Technical Director is responsible for overseeing the implementation of user requirements with the Operations Manager, the Archive Managers, and the ACRF Science Liaison. The Technical Director is also responsible for making sure that DOE user facility policies are followed.

Operations Manager - Doug Sisterson

Responsible for ensuring efficient, effective, and continuous operation of instruments and data systems. The Operations Manager helps to develop cooperative relationships with international, regional, and local governments to develop and operate sites, both fixed and mobile. The Operations Manager ensures that field operations are conducted in accordance with DOE and laboratory applicable safety and security policies. The Operations Manager is responsible for maintaining the User Reporting system.

Data Archive Manager - Raymond McCord

Responsible for the proper storage and access of all user facility data.

Administration Support - Laurel Chapman

Assists with the processing of preproposals and proposals for use of the ACRF. The ACRF Support Administrator is also responsible for assisting with administrative issues related to the DOE requirements for national user facilities. This includes such tasks as preparing facility statistics and processing foreign visitor requests. The ACRF Support Administrator attends the annual DOE user facility Administrator's meeting along with a member of the ACRF IMB to keep abreast of new policies for DOE user facilities.

Financial Administrator - Lucille Walker

Responsible for working with the IMB to formalize and track the integrated ACRF budget plan.