Particle Physics Seminar Schedule for FY04

Whereever possible, we have provided a link to the speakers e-mail address and their slides.

Thursday, 11:00
October 14, 2004
Paolo Rumerio , Stony Brook
An Interference Study of the Chi_c0(1^3P_0) State of Charmonium in the Reaction ppbar->pi-0 pi-0

Thursday, 11:00
September 9, 2004
Yuji Enari , Nagoya
Search for New Physics in Rare Tau Decays at Belle

Wednesday, 11:00
July 7, 2004
(non-standard date!)
Graziano Venanzoni , Frascati
Measurement of hadronic corrections for muon g-2

Thursday, 11:00
June 10, 2004
Iosif Khriplovich , Novosibirsk
Electric Dipole Moments in Storage Rings

Thursday, 11:00
May 20, 2004
Vivek Jain , BNL
Recent B-Physics Results from D0

Thursday, 11:00
May 13, 2004
Joint With K-Workshop
Hamilton Seminar Room
Yuval Grossman , SLAC
K -> pi nubar nu in and beyond the Standard Model
Thursday, 11:00
May 6, 2004
Room 2-160
(non-standard room!)
Rex Tayloe , Indiana University
A Measurement of the Nucleon Spin Structure with Neutrino Scattering

Friday, 11:00
April 30, 2004
(non-standard date!)
Steve Geer , Fermilab
Neutrino Factories: Physics Case and R&D Status

Thursday, 11:00
April 22, 2004
Larry Gladney , University of Pennsylvania
The SNAP/Joint Dark Energy Mission

Thursday, 11:00
March 18, 2004
Rachid Mazini , University of Toronto

Thursday, 11:00
February 12, 2004
Tim Nelson , Fermilab

Thursday, 11:00
Feb 5, 2004
Mary Bishai , Fermilab
Charm and Beauty Production at the Fermilab Tevatron

Thursday, 11:00
January 29, 2004
ITD Seminar room
(non-standard location!)
Georges Azuelos , TRIUMF / University of Montreal
Search for Signals of Extra Dimensions with ATLAS

Thursday, 11:00
January 22, 2004
Mike Albrow , Fermilab
GTeV, A QCD Experiment for the Tevatron

Thursday, 11:00
January 15, 2004
Stephen Miller , University of Michigan
Top Quark Physics Results from CDF

Wednesday, 11:00
January 7, 2004
(Non-standard date!)
Ken Bloom , University of Michigan
Truth or Consequences: The Emerging Science of the Top Quark
Thursday, 11:00
December 18, 2003
Leon Mualem , University of Minnesota
The NuMI Off-Axis Experiment

Thursday, 11:00
December 11, 2003
Yoshi Uchida , Stanford
Neutrino Physics: New Perspectives from KamLAND
Thursday, 11:00
November 13, 2003
David Cline , UCLA
The ICARUS Experiment at the LNGS and a Very Large Detector in The USA

Thursday, 11:00
November 6, 2003
Chunhui Han , University of Michigan
Top Pair Production Cross Section Measurement at D0 Using the Matrix Element Method
Thursday, 11:00
October 30, 2003
Kai Yi , Johns Hopkins University
B and Charm Physics at CDF
Thursday, 11:00
October 23, 2003
Usha Mallik , University of Iowa
CP Violation at e^+-e^- B Factories

Thursday, 11:00
October 9, 2003
Mark Dierckxsens , NIKHEF
Triple Gauge-Boson Couplings of the W boson at L3
Thursday, 11:00
October 2, 2003
Jinlong Zhang , MIT
Rare B decays to final states containing a J/psi meson