The International Meteor Organization (IMO) was founded in 1988 and has more than 250 members now. IMO was created in response to an ever growing need for international cooperation of meteor amateur work. The collection of meteor observations by several methods from all around the world ensures the comprehensive study of meteor showers and their relation to comets and interplanetary dust.

You can read about the history, current aims and commissions of IMO. An additional page informs you about how to join the International Meteor Organization. Membership includes a subscription to WGN, the journal of the IMO.

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Perseids 2009

First results

Although the major northern hemisphere Perseids are badly affected by the last quarter Moon near their best this year, there is the possibility they may produce somewhat increased rates. The usual maximum is due around August 12, 17h30m-20h00m UT, but Esko Lyytinen suggests we may encounter the 1610 Perseid trail earlier on August 12, around 9h00m UT (λo = 139°661). This could produce activity additional to the normal Perseid ZHRs then of a few tens, maybe up to a hundred. Mikhail Maslov confirmed this but for 8h00m UT and with only 10-15 meteors per hour. Both reseachers further suggest that rates overall could be enhanced above usual by the proximity of the annual stream's core.

Handbook for Meteor Observers reprinted

As the first print of the new Handbook for Meteor Observers was already exhausted after only 8 months, it was quickly decided to make a reprint, which is now available from the online IMO shop. The editors took advantage of the occasion to correct some typos and to make minor updates to the shower information where appropriate. The most visible change will no doubt be the much improved quality of the the star maps from the "Atlas Brno 2000".

The IMO Handbook for Meteor Observers is an absolute must for everybody interested in meteors, even those that are not actively observing. The price remains unchanged at 20 EUR or 28 USD.

Lyrids 2009

First results

The Lyrids are expected to peak on 2009 April 22 around 11h UT (ZHR ~20). Past observations have shown the maximum time to be variable from year to year; in 2009 the peak could occur between 3h and 14h UT on April 22. The radiant of this shower, between Lyra and Hercules, rises during the night. Watches can be usefully carried out from about 22h30m local time onwards from mid-northern sites, but only from well after midnight from the mid-southern hemisphere. The waning crescent Moon will rise too late in the night in the northern hemisphere to cause any problems. More information about this shower can be found in the 2009 Shower Calendar.

Visual observations can be reported through the Report Form and are highly appreciated. The observations are automatically included in an automated ZHR graph.