For questions about King County Natural Resources and Parks Web site, please contact Fred Bentler, webmaster.

Join our award-winning Green Team, Environmental careers in King County

King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP) is a leading public agency that protects and preserves King County's unsurpassed quality of life. DNRP is committed to taking a science-based approach toward environmental stewardship. Our staff is at the cutting edge of their respective areas of expertise, and has received local, regional, national and international recognition for their day-to-day work. This web site is designed to introduce you to the department and share with you some insight into the many environmental careers available within our department and King County.

DNRP and its well regarded environmental mission has a true advantage over many other potential employers, given our commitment to creating a high-performance work culture and our widely accepted status as an employer of choice among local government

Green Jobs at DNRP

Department of Natural Resources and Parks: our mission is to foster environmental stewardship and strengthen communities by providing regional parks, protecting the region's water, air, land and natural habitats, and reducing, safely disposing of and creating resources from wastewater and solid waste.

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