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Office of Applied Studies Reports Released in 2005
(listed from most recent to earliest release)

bulletAll Reports by Year of Release:  1999 to current


12/30/05 The NSDUH Report:  Depression among Adolescents
12/20/05 The DASIS Report:  Adolescents with Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders:  2003
12/20/05 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS):  1993-2003  (HTML format)      (PDF format)
12/15/05 The NSDUH Report:  Illicit Drug Use among Persons Arrested for Serious Crimes

The DASIS Report: American Indian and Alaska Native Substance Abuse Treatment Services:  2004

12/02/05 The DASIS Report:  Facilities with DUI/DWI Programs, 2004
11/23/05 The DASIS Report: Primary Alcohol Admissions Aged 21 or Older - - Alcohol Alone vs. Alcohol Plus a Secondary Drug, 2003
11/23/05 2004 NSDUH Data Collection Final Report (PDF, 3.8 MB) 
11/18/05 The NSDUH Report:  Depression among Adults
11/10/05 The NSDUH Report:  Alcohol Use and Alcohol Related Risk Behaviors among Veterans
11/10/05 The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use, Dependence, and Treatment among Veterans
11/02/05 The DASIS Report:  Availability of HIV Services in Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities: 2004
10/27/05 The DASIS Report:  Trends in Admissions for Phencyclidine (PCP): 1993-2003
10/26/05 2004 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS):  Data on Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities (HTML)      (PDF format)
10/19/05 The NSDUH Report:  College Enrollment Status and Past Year Illicit Drug Use among Young Adults: 2002, 2003, and 2004
10/18/05 Katrina/Rita impacted State and Sub States:  Baseline substance abuse data

The DASIS Report:  Male Admissions with Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Problems,  2003

10/11/05 Women in Substance Abuse Treatment:  Results from the Alcohol and Drug Services Study (ADSS) HTML format    PDF format
10/11/05 State estimates for California, New York, & Texas

Discharges from Substance Abuse Treatment:  TEDS 2002  (PDF format) 

10/06/05 The NSDUH Report:  Substance Abuse or Dependence in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Areas, 2004 Update
09/30/05 The DASIS Report:  Treatment Admissions in Rural Areas, 2003
09/30/05 The New DAWN Report:  New DAWN:  Why It Cannot Be Compared with Old DAWN
09/23/05 The DASIS Report:  Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Use, 2003

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) estimates for use of types of illicit drug in lifetime, past year, & past month for population age 12 and older (annual estimates based on 2002-2004)  Word Documents  [top 20 MSAs in US]


State estimates for use of types of illicit drug in lifetime, past year, & past month for population age 12 and older (annual estimates based on 2002-2004)  Word Documents

09/22/05 The NSDUH Report:  Methamphetamine Use, Abuse, and Dependence:  2002, 2003, and 2004
09/22/05 Evaluating and Improving Methods Used in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (PDF format; 1.3 MB)
09/09/05 The NSDUH Report:  Suicidal Thoughts among Youths Aged 12 to 17 with Major Depressive Episode
09/08/05  2004 National Survey on Drug Use & Health:   Overview (HTML format)     (PDF format)
09/08/05  2004 National Survey on Drug Use & Health:  Results (HTML format)      (PDF format)
09/08/05 2004 National Survey on Drug Use & Health:   Detailed Tables (HTML format)    (PDF format)
09/01/05 The NSDUH Report:  Arrests for Driving Under the Influence among Adult Drivers
08/26/05 The NSDUH Report:  Binge Alcohol Use among Persons Aged 12 to 20:  2002 and 2003 Update
08/19/05 The DASIS Report:  Hispanics in Substance Abuse Treatment, 2003
08/19/05 The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use among Hispanic Youths
08/15/05 Sub State Data by Age Group and Sub State Region: Detailed tables
08/15/05 Sub State Data:  Detailed Tables & State Maps
08/12/05 The NSDUH Report: Cocaine Use:  2002 & 2003

The NSDUH Report:  Substance Abuse and Dependence among Women


The DASIS Report:  Analyzing TEDS Using the New Graphing Features of the Online Data Analysis System (DAS)

07/29/05 The NSDUH Report:  Youths' Exposure to Substance Use Prevention Messages, 2003

The DASIS Report:  Characteristics of Primary Tranquilizer  Admissions: 2002

07/18/05 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Highlights: 2003 (PDF format)
06/30/05 The NSDUH Report:  Driving Under the Influence among Adult Drivers
06/24/05 The DASIS Report:  Differences in Marijuana Admissions Based on Source of Referral, 2002
06/16/05 SubState Level Data (HTML) ... PDF format ... presents data and maps on State-determined smaller areas within their States
06/16/05 The NSDUH Report:  Marijuana Use in SubState Areas
06/10/05 The DASIS Report:  Substance Abuse Treatment among Asians and Pacific Islanders: 2002
06/06/05 Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2003: Area Profiles of Drug-Related Mortality (PDF format)
06/02/05 The NSDUH Report: Substance Use During Pregnancy: 2002 and 2003 Update
05/26/05 The DASIS Report:  Treatment Admissions Receiving Public Assistance: 2002
05/20/05 Using the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator  description and guidance
05/20/05 The DASIS Report:  A Comparison of Female and Male Treatment Admissions: 2002
05/12/05 The NSDUH Report:  Mother's Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use among Youths
05/05/05 The DASIS Report: Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment, 1995-2002 trends
05/03/05 The NSDUH Report:  Age at First Use of Marijuana and Past Year Serious Mental Illness
05/03/05 Immigrants and Substance Use:  Findings from the 1999-2001 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (HTML)       (PDF format)
04/28/05 The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use among Past Year Ecstasy Users
04/21/05 The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use Among Older Adults: 2002 & 2003 Update
04/14/05 The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Primary Alcohol Admissions by Age of First Use of Alcohol: 2002
04/08/05 The NSDUH Report:  Injection Drug Use Update: 2002 and 2003

  New DAWN system!  This report contains estimates based on the new DAWN system:  Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2003:  Interim National Estimates of Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits (PDF) 1 MB

04/01/05 The NSDUH Report:  Alcohol Use and Delinquent Behaviors among Youths

The DASIS Report:  Polydrug Admissions: 2002


The NSDUH Report:  Inhalant Use and Delinquent Behaviors among Young Adolescents


The OAS Report:  The Office of Applied Studies

03/10/05 The DASIS Report:  Quick Statistics 
03/10/05 The DASIS Report:  National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services: 2003

The DASIS Report:  Trends in Marijuana Treatment Admissions by State: 1992-2002

02/25/05 The DASIS Report:  Smoked Cocaine vs. Non-Smoked Cocaine Admissions: 2002
02/17/05 The NSDUH Report:  Substance Use and Need for Treatment Among Youths Who Have Been in Foster Care

State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2002-2003 National Surveys on Drug Use & Health (HTML format) includes estimates of serious mental illness      (PDF format)

02/09/05 The DASIS Report: Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions Among American Indians and Alaska Natives:  2002
02/04/05 The NSDUH Report: Stimulant Use:  2003  
02/04/05 The DASIS Report:  Trends in Cocaine Treatment Admissions by State: 1992-2002
01/19/05 The NSDUH Report: NonMedical Oxycodone Users:  A Comparison with Heroin Users
01/12/05 The NSDUH Report:  Illicit Drug Use Among Lifetime NonDrinkers and Lifetime Alcohol Users

The DASIS Report:  Smoked Methamphetamine / Amphetamines, 1992-2002

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This page was last updated on December 30, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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