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OAS Publications on Alcohol, Tobacco, & Illicit Drug Use

This website provides a chronological list of reports produced by SAMHSA's Office of Applied Studies (OAS) from 1999 to 2001 and includes the date that the report was available on the web.  

bulletAll Reports by Year of Release:  1999 to current
12/21/01 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1994-1999: National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services (PDF format)
12/21/01 The NHSDA Report:  Cigar Use 
12/21/01 The NHSDA Report:  Alcohol Use 
12/21/01 The DASIS Report:  Cocaine Treatment Admissions Decrease: 1993-1999
12/13/01 The DASIS Report:  Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment
11/29/01 The NHSDA Report:  Substance Use Among Older Adults
11/29/01 NHSDA Methodology Reports
11/29/01 1999 NHSDA Sampling Error Report (PDF, 415 KB)
11/29/01 1999 NHSDA Sample Design Report Index for PDF file
11/20/01 The DASIS Report:  Amphetamine Treatment Admissions Increase:  1993-1999
11/09/01 The NHSDA Report:  Alcohol Use Among Veterans
11/09/01 The NHSDA Report:  Neighborhood Characteristics and Youth Marijuana Use 
11/09/01 The NHSDA Report:  Youth Violence Linked to Substance Use
11/01/01 The DASIS Report:  Veterans in Substance Abuse Treatment
11/01/01 The NHSDA Report:  Availability of Illicit Drugs to Females Aged 12 to 17
10/17/01 The DASIS Report:  Growth of Managed Care in Substance Abuse Treatment
10/17/01 2000 NHSDA Field Interviewer Manual (PDF format, 30.9 MB)
10/12/01 The NHSDA Report:  Heavy Alcohol Use Among Young Adults
10/12/01 The NHSDA Report:  Accessing and Analyzing the NHSDA Online:  Short Report to help with analyzing NHSDA and other substance abuse data systems online using the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA)
10/05/01 Detailed Tables comparing 2000 findings with 1999 results from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
10/04/01 Summary of Findings from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (HTML format) (PDF format)
10/03/01 Youth Substance Use:  State Estimates from the 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (HTML format)  (PDF format)
9/27/01 The DASIS Report:  Polydrug Use Among Treatment Admissions: 1998 
9/27/01 The NHSDA Report:  Youth Who Carry Handguns
9/18/01 The DASIS Report:  Coerced Treatment Among Youths:  1993 to 1998
9/18/01 The NHSDA Report:  Beliefs Among Youths About Risks from Illicit Drug Use
8/30/01 The NHSDA Report:  Obtaining Marijuana Easy for Youths
8/30/01 The DASIS Report:  How Men and Women Enter Substance Abuse Treatment
8/24/01 The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used
8/24/01 The DASIS Report:  Women in Substance Treatment 
8/17/01 The DAWN Report on Major Drugs  
8/17/01 The NHSDA Report:   Pregnancy and Illicit Drug Use
8/17/01 Detailed Tables from 2000 DAWN ED Data
8/03/01 The NHSDA Report:  Tobacco and Alcohol Use Among Pregnant Women
8/03/01 The DASIS Report:  Women in Treatment for Smoked Cocaine
8/02/01 1999 Field Interviewer Manual for the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (PDF Format)
7/31/01 Parental Influences on Adolescent Marijuana Use and the Baby Boom Generation:  Findings from the 1979-1996 National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse
7/25/01 Year-End 2000 Emergency Department Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network  
6/05/01 Development of Computer-Assisted Interviewing Procedures for the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
 5/14/01 Substance Abuse Treatment Admission Data by State 
 5/03/01 1999 Uniform Facility Data Set (UFDS) - - Data on substance abuse treatment facilities
 4/03/01 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse Data Collection Final Report
 3/07/01 Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Drug Use
 2/12/01 2000 Mid-Year Preliminary Emergency Department Data From DAWN & Tables of Relative Standard Errors (RSEs) 
 1/22/01 The DAWN Report on Club Drugs (PDF format)
 1/22/01 1999 Annual DAWN Medical Examiners Report
 1/22/01 1995 Annual ED Erratum

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OAS Publications Released in 2000:  Alcohol, Tobacco, & Illicit Drug Use
9/26/00 1999 DAWN Detailed Emergency Department Tables
9/18/00 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1993-1998  (PDF Format)
9/18/00 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1993-1998, HTML
8/31/00 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse Summary Findings
8/31/00 State Drug Abuse Data from 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
8/31/00 1999 Year End Emergency Department Data from DAWN
8/25/00 Uniform Facility Data Set (UFDS) 1998, HTML   or (PDF Format)
8/10/00 National Household Survey On Drug Abuse 1998 Detailed Tables - no print report, available only on Web  (PDF Format)
5/09/00 National Household Survey On Drug Abuse: Main Findings 1998 (PDF Format)
5/04/00 1998 DAWN Annual Medical Examiner Data, Revised Version 4/2000
4/27/00 Substance Abuse Treatment in Adult and Juvenile Correctional Facilities: Findings from the Uniform Facility Data Set 1997 Survey of Correctional Facilities
3/29/00 Substance Use Among Adults on Probation: Findings from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1995-1997
3/28/00 1998 DAWN Annual Medical Examiner Data
3/28/00 1999 Mid-Year Preliminary Emergency Department Data From DAWN  & Tables of Relative Standard Errors (RSEs) 
3/02/00 Patterns of Alcohol Use Among Adolescents and Associations With Emotional and Behavioral Problems (HTML)     (PDF format, 68 KB)
2/08/00 DAWN Detailed 1998 Emergency Department Tables

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OAS Publications Released in 1999:  Alcohol, Tobacco, & Illicit Drug Use
12/29/99 Year-End 1998 Emergency Department Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network
12/29/99 DAWN Annual Medical Examiner Data 1997
11/08/99 National Directory of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Treatment Programs: Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator -  - Searchable with Maps
10/07/99 Worker Drug Use and Workplace Policies and Programs: Results from the 1994 and 1997 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
9/03/99 Mid-Year 1998 Preliminary Emergency Department Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network
9/03/99 Annual Emergency Department Data 1997
9/03/99 Annual Emergency Department Data 1996
9/03/99 Annual Emergency Department Data 1995
8/26/99 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1992-1997 (PDF format) or HTML Format
8/18/99 Summary Findings from the 1998 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse   (HTML Format) or (PDF Format) 
8/18/99 1998 Populations Estimates from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (PDF format) or HTML Format
8/26/99 The Relationship between Mental Health and Substance Abuse Among Adolescents
7/26/99 Substance Use and Mental Health Characteristics by Employment Status (PDF Format)
7/22/99 1997 NHSDA Main Findings
7/14/99 1998 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics Source Book - Zipped Version  Must be downloaded, saved, and unzipped before viewing. This is a 500 page document.
7/14/99 Driving After Drug or Alcohol Use: Findings from the 1996 NHSDA
7/14/99 Analysis of Substance Abuse and Treatment Need Issues
7/14/99 Prevalence of Substance Abuse Among Racial and Ethnic Subgroups in the United States
7/14/99 1997 Uniform Facility Data Set (UFDS): Data on Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities
7/14/99 1997 DAWN Year End Emergency Department Data

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This page was last updated on December 30, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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