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Highlights of Reports on Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Released in 2002 and 2001

All reports by year of release

bulletAll reports released in 2001 (listed from most recent to earliest release)

bulletAll reports released in 2002 (listed from most recent to earliest release):

  • In 2001, over 3 million persons aged 12 to 17 had smoked cigarettes during the past month.  Although it is illegal in the United States to sell tobacco to underaged youths, in 2001 almost 2 million youths aged 12 to 17 who smoked cigarettes in the past month purchased them personally during the same time period.  See The NHSDA Report:  How Youths Get Cigarettes.

  • In 2001, over 8 million persons aged 12 or older reported driving under the influence of illegal drugs during the past year, that is, "drugged driving."  See The NHSDA Report:  Drugged Driving.

  • Rates of DAWN emergency department visits are presented for cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine in 21 metropolitan areas and the continental U.S.  Only Chicago and Baltimore rank among the top 5 metropolitan areas in ED visit rates for both cocaine and heroin.  By contrast, Atlanta has one of the highest rates for cocaine but one of the lowest for heroin. The DAWN Report: Major Drugs of Abuse in ED Visits, 2001 Update. (PDF format)

  • Between 1994 and 2001, DAWN emergency department  mentions of GHB, Ketamine, and MDMA rose dramatically  (over 2000% each).  However, only MDMA mentions increased from 1999 to 2001 and none of the club drugs showed significant changes from 2000 to 2001.  See The DAWN Report:  Club Drugs, 2001 Update (PDF format).

  • Nationally, 61 percent of substance abuse treatment facilities focused on substance abuse treatment services, 25 percent on a mix of mental health and substance abuse treatment services, and 9 percent on mental health services, and 5 percent on general health care or other services.  See The DASIS Report: Primary Focus of Facilities Treating Substance Abuse.

  • Of the substance abuse treatment facilities providing programs or services for women, 63 percent reported providing programs for women only, 56 percent reported services addressing domestic violence, 34 percent provided programs for pregnant or postpartum women, and 16 percent offered on-site child care services.  See The DASIS Report: Facilities Offering Special Programs or Services for Women.

  • Alcohol, opiates, and marijuana were the most common primary substances of abuse among Hispanic admissions.  Hispanic admissions had a larger percentage of admissions for opiate abuse (32 percent) than non-Hispanic admissions (15 percent).  See The DASIS Report:  Hispanics in Substance Abuse Treatment.
  • In 2001, an estimated 15.9 million Americans age 12 years or older used an illicit drug in the month immediately prior to the survey interview.  About 10.1 million persons age 12 to 20 years  reported current alcohol use, i.e., were underage drinkers.  In the 12 months preceding the interview in 2001, an estimated 3.1 million persons age 12 or older received some kind of treatment for a problem related to the use of alcohol or illicit drugs; of these, 1.6 million received treatment at a self-help group.  In 2001, there were an estimated 14.8 million adults age 18 or older with a serious mental illness; an estimated 3 million had both a serious mental illness and substance abuse or dependence problems during the year.  See  2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse on September 5, 2002.
  • Rates of past month use of marijuana/hashish, alcohol, or cigarettes were lower among youths who believed their parents would strongly disapprove of their substance use compared with those who felt their parents somewhat disapproved or those who thought their parents would neither approve nor disapprove.  See The NHSDA Report:   Parental Disapproval of Youths' Substance Use.
  • Approximately 60 percent of recent marijuana initiates had used both alcohol and cigarettes prior to their first use of marijuana.  About 9 percent had never used alcohol or cigarettes at the time of first marijuana use, and the remaining recent initiates had used either alcohol only (16.6 percent) or cigarettes only (14.8 percent).  See Initiation of Marijuana Use:  Trends, Patterns and Implications.
  • In 1999, there were 179,000 treatment admissions for primary injection drug abuse and 34,000 admissions for secondary injection drug abuse.  Opiates accounted for 83 percent of substance abuse treatment admissions for injection drug abuse, followed by methamphetamine/ amphetamines (11 percent) and cocaine (5 percent).  See The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Abuse. 
  • In 2000,  67 percent of those aged 12 or older (over 148 million persons) in the United States reported any cigarette use during their lifetime. Among smokers of at least 100 cigarettes, 42 percent reported not smoking during the past year.  See The NHSDA Report:  Former Cigarette Smokers.
  • In 1999, pregnant women aged 15 to 44 were more likely to enter treatment for cocaine abuse  than nonpregnant women of the same age group.  Between 1995 and 1999, the source of referral to substance abuse treatment changed for pregnant women:  Criminal Justice Referrals increased and referrals by Self/Individual or Health Care Providers decreased.  See The DASIS Report: Pregnant Women in Substance Abuse Treatment.
  • In 2000, almost 7 million persons aged 12 to 20 (under the legal drinking age) was a binge drinker.  The rate of binge drinking among underage persons (19 percent) was almost as high as among adults aged 21 or older (21 percent).  Underage persons who reported binge drinking were 7 times more likely to report illicit drugs during the past month than underage persons who did not binge drink. See The NHSDA Report:  Binge Drinking Among Underage Persons.

  • From January to June 2001, DAWN estimates that there were 308,368 drug-related ED episodes in the coterminous U.S. with 559,334 drug mentions.  Both ED drug episodes and ED drug mentions were statistically unchanged, based on comparisons of the first half of 2000 and the first half of 2001.  See ED Trends  From DAWN, Preliminary Estimates January-June 2001 With Revised Estimates 1994-2000 The revised estimates in this report supersede the estimates published previously for 1994 through 2000.
  • Heroin, cocaine, and alcohol-in-combination with other drugs were the three most common substances in drug-related deaths reported by medical examiners participating in the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) in 2000. Narcotic analgesics - including methadone, codeine, hydrocodone and oxycodone - also frequently ranked in the top 10 drugs mentioned by medical examiners in the DAWN mortality report.  In 2000, 137 medical examiner jurisdictions from 43 metropolitan areas reported on drug-related deaths to DAWN.  See Mortality Data From DAWN, 2000 .

  • In 2000, approximately 61 percent of youths aged 12 to 17, or more than 14 million, participated in team sports during the past year.   Rates of past month use of tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs were generally lower among team sports participants than nonparticipants.  However, the rate of past month smokeless tobacco use was higher among team sports participants than nonparticipants.   See The NHSDA Report:  Team Sports Participation and Substance Use Among Youths.

  • An estimated 66.8 million Americans reported using a tobacco product in the past month in 1999, a prevalence rate of 30.2 percent for the population aged 12 years old or older.  Of this total, 57.0 million (25.8 percent) smoked cigarettes, 12.1 million (5.5 percent) smoked cigars, 7.6 million (3.4 percent) used smokeless tobacco, and 2.4 million (1.1 percent) smoked tobacco in pipes.  See Tobacco Use in America:  Findings from the 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (PDF format 3KB).
  • Whites were more likely than Hispanics, blacks, and Asians to report driving under the influence of alcohol during the past year.  See The NHSDA Report:  Alcohol Use .


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Highlights of Reports Released in 2001

  • According to SAMHSA's 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, an estimated 833,000 youths between the ages of 12 and 17 had carried a handgun in the past year.  See The NHSDA Report: Youth Who Carry Handguns.

  • Women entered the substance abuse treatment system through different avenues than men.  Women were less likely than men to be referred by the criminal justice system and more likely to be referred by community, religious, or governmental organizations/agencies providing social services or by self-help groups.  See The DASIS Report:  How Men and Women Enter Substance Abuse Treatment.
  • In 1998, there were 23 men admitted to treatment for every 10 women.  Women in substance abuse treatment were more likely to be in treatment for "hard" drugs such as heroin and cocaine and less likely to be in treatment for alcohol abuse or marijuana use.  See The DASIS Report:  Women in Substance Treatment.
  • In 1998, the average adult woman entering treatment for crack cocaine was 34 years old and had first used crack when she was 24.  Over one-third of the adult women entering treatment for crack cocaine abuse were white, five percent were Hispanic, and 61 percent were black.  See The DASIS Report:  Women in Treatment for Smoked Cocaine.

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This page was last updated on December 30, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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