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Stormwater Services and Information for King County, Washington

Report a drainage or water quality problem

Introduction to stormwater in King County
Learn about the science of stormwater, common problems related to stormwater including causes and solutions, homeowner tips, regulations, and how to get help from King County.

Carwash kit
Find out how to build and use a car wash kit to help reduce water pollution in streams, lakes and Puget Sound.

Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program (NDAP)
Get technical assistance for questions about construction, permitting, and storm drainage and request capital improvements or repairs to address flooding, erosion and sedimentation problems affecting private property in unincorporated King County.

King County Stormwater Management Program New
Review King County's stormwater program document, take an online survey, and find out about the public meeting to discuss the program.

Washington State Dept. of Ecology notice of violation to King County
King County received a Notice of Violation from the Department of Ecology.

Surface Water Design Manual resources
Documents and software to help engineers design storm drainage systems that reduce problems for downstream neighbors and minimize damage to our natural environment.

KCRTS hydrologic and KCBW hydraulic modeling software
  • The King County Runoff Time Series (KCRTS) hydrologic model is a required methodology under the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual for sizing detention and infiltration flow control facilities.
  • The King County Backwater (KCBW) Program is a standard step backwater analysis program for pipe networks, culverts, and simple open channels.

Refer to our stormwater facilities page to learn about the types and functions of facilities, and find architectural design tips in the Integrated Pond to help design attractive facilities.

Annual municipal NPDES permit compliance report
Look up technical information related to King County's "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and how King County is complying with it.

2005 Stormwater pollution Prevention Manual
Also known as the BMP manual , this document provides guidance for businesses, public facilities, and other non-residential entities in unincorporated King County on actions we are all required to take to reduce contamination of stormwater, surface water, and groundwater.

Stormwater resources and references
Links to regulatory agencies, environmental organizations, King County stormwater staff directory, and other resources for information on stormwater and related water resource topics.

Facility and permit compliance - King County performance measures
These performance measures track King County's compliance with its surface water management permit among other things.

King County climate change plan
How King County seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to projected climate change impacts, and embed mitigation and adaptation into county policy decisions. The plan incorporates issues, goals and actions related to stormwater.

Flooding, stormwater and wastewater breakout session results, King County Climate Change Conference
Review a summary report describing anticipated affects of global warming on flooding, stormwater and wastewater in Washington State with proposed adaptation strategies. Also, look up the flooding, stormwater and wastewater session agenda, presentations, speaker credentials and biographies.

Low impact development reports and resources (external link)
The Puget Sound Action Team (PSAT) has some great Low Impact Development Information, Reports, and Resources on their Web site.

Other stormwater related documents

Stormwater glossary of terms and abbreviations

King County Waterworks Garden stormwater facility

Other commonly requested documents

King County is updating the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) and the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual (SPPM)

Critical areas package
Look up King County stormwater, clearing and grading ordinances.

Related information

Related agencies

News and announcements

Countywide Strategic Plan

Aug. 7, 2009
External opinion, Seattle Times
Tough choices in the recovery of Puget Sound

Jul. 30, 2009
External opinion, Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce
Puget Sound’s invisible enemy: polluted stormwater

Jul. 10, 2009
External opinion, Seattle P-I
Car washers seeing more rules on soapy runoff

Apr. 16, 2009
External opinion, Seattle Times
Puget Sound cleanup only succeeds with public involvement

External program, PBS
Frontline: Poisoned Waters
On air and online April 21

Feb. 20, 2009
Public invited to participate in King County’s Stormwater Management Program planning
March 3 meeting in Issaquah, with meetings following in Covington, Redmond

Online public survey - stormwater program
The first 200 survey participants will receive a voucher for a free car wash.

DNRP Performance Measures and Environmental Indicators Facility and Permit Compliance in King County, Washington

Feb.11, 2009
Clean-water infrastructure investments a top priority in 2009

Feb. 4, 2009
External article, Seattle P-I
Stormwater isn't just a big-city problem
State board rules small jurisdictions need to start curbing polluted runoff

Jan. 5, 2009
External article, Seattle Times
Ecology Department uses online campaign to help water quality

Nov. 18, 2008
External article, Kiro 7 News
Rainwater Turns To Noxious Soup, Flows To Sound

Nov. 4, 2008
King County ready for wet and wild weather
Flood warning center poised for duty if river flows surge

Oct. 23, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Environmentalists, cities clash over runoff rules

Oct. 16, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
Report: EPA failing to stop sprawl runoff

Oct. 11, 2008
External blog, Seattle P-I
Lehrer News Hour features Puget Sound's stormwater problem

Sept. 28, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Filtration system would clean up polluted runoff
Project designed to protect Sound

Sept. 25, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Call for Sound protection focuses on land
Letter signed by 13 leading scientists

Sept. 22, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
Keep a green roof thriving with the right soil and plants

Aug. 11, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Inadequate policing puts state's water quality in jeopardy
Fees now fund less than half of staff necessary to monitor pollution

Aug. 9, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Buildings given a role in saving Sound

Aug. 8, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
Pollution ruling could alter building practices in state

July 23, 2008
External opinion, Seattle P-I
Go native to help save the Sound

July 21, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Saving rain: How much is too much?
Collecting large amount runs afoul of 'archaic' law

July 13, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
Logging and landslides: What went wrong?

July 11, 2008
External opinion, Seattle P-I
Puget Sound: We're the polluters

» Archived News