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Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Biological and Ecological Assessments


NetCDFtoGrid Utility

Screenshot of the netcdf to grid tool


EDEN NetCDFtoGrid is a program for converting EDEN water level, water depth, and days since dry files from netCDF (.nc) format to ESRI Grid format.

CERPZone users, please see information below.



You will need the following files:

(Note: if you previously installed other EDENapp tools, then you may have some or all of these items already installed)

  1. NetCDFtoGrid.exe (.zip, currently at v. 1.0, 180 KB)
    • NetCDFtoGrid can be copied to any location on your computer
  2. NetCDF dlls (.zip, 176 KB)
    • Extract all the files in and copy them to c:\windows\system32
  3. Microsoft .Net version 2.0 (download from Microsoft's website)
    • Note: this may already be installed on your machine. Go to: Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. If Microsoft .Net Framework is installed, it will appear in this list
  4. ArcGIS (v. 9.1 or later)

To Use:

(Please note: there is no user's guide for this tool.  Full instructions are below.)

  1. Click on the first folder icon folder icon to browse to the folder containing the NetCDF files
  2. Click on the second folder icon folder icon to browse to the folder where you would like to save the output file. Type in an output name.
    1. If the output file already exists, select:
      • Add new dates to existing files or
      • Overwrite duplicate dates in existing file
  3. Click the "Convert" button

Files that can be converted with this program:

  1. EDEN daily water level surfaces
    1. NetCDF format file(s) (.nc) containing daily water level surfaces
    2. Multiple one-quarter-year files can be used for requested time series (be sure that continuous data files are present for accurate time series calculations)
    3. Available for download at
  2. EDEN daily water depth
    1. NetCDF format file(s) (.nc) containing daily water depth
    2. Multiple one-quarter-year files can be used for requested time series (be sure that continuous data files are present for accurate time series calculations)
    3. Can be derived from EDEN daily water level surfaces and ground elevation surface using the EDEN Depth&DaysSinceDry Tool, available for download at
  3. EDEN days since dry
    1. NetCDF format file(s) (.nc) containing days since dry
    2. Multiple one-quarter-year files can be used for requested time series (be sure that continuous data files are present for accurate time series calculations)
    3. Can be derived from EDEN daily water level surfaces and ground elevation surface using the EDEN Depth&DaysSinceDry Tool, available for download at
We're looking for feedback! Please contact us.


Running EDENapps from CERPZone:
The EDENapps tools can be run from CERPZone by users who are not able or do not wish to download the EDENapps tools to their computers. CERPZone allows users to run the tools directly from the Citrix server.

To run the tools from CERPZone, users must obtain a CERPZone username and password at

To go to the EDENapps tools on CERPZone, got to for instructions to access the tools through the Citrix server. If you have any questions regarding EDEN Tools on Cerpzone, please contact

Note: New CERPZone users will need to contact the CERP GIS Team ( to be added to the EDEN application user's pool.

Water Levels (Gage)
Ground Elevation (DEM)
Water Surfaces
Transect Plotter
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Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: June 01, 2009 02:08 PM(HSH)