Find a Dermatologist

A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in treating conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails. After earning a medical degree and completing an internship, a dermatologist receives three more years of specialty medical training, becoming an expert dedicated to skin, hair and nails. Many dermatologists have general practices and see patients with all types of skin concerns. Some dermatologists gain additional training and expertise in a specific area of dermatology, such as pediatrics, surgery, or cosmetics. They may go on to have a practice that specializes in one of these areas.

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* Specialties provided by AAD members. This is not a comprehensive listing. Contact your dermatologist directly for information on a specific condition.

Academy Member Tools

The American Academy of Dermatology is the largest and most influential of all dermatologic associations. With a membership of more than 16,000 physicians, it represents virtually all practicing dermatologists in the United States and Canada. Search this section to locate a dermatologist your area. Also, get detailed biographical information about Academy member dermatologists, including their education, specialized training, office hours, health care program participation, and more.

Membership categories also are provided for each Academy member dermatologist. Click here for a complete description of all membership categories. A Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology is certified by the American Board of Dermatology or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Certification is an indication that the specialist has completed an approved medical education program and an evaluation, including an examination designed to assess the knowledge, experience, and skills necessary to provide high-quality care in that specialty at the time the certificate is awarded.

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