April 13th, 2009

Posted by Max Bernstein at 2009/04/13

What’s new on the SARA web page?

Our new shorter, easier to remember URL, http://sara.nasa.gov is now working.

In addition to hypertext links to ROSES 2009 and associated tables, the grant solicitations page now has a list of amendments, clarifications, and corrections to ROSES 2009 all in one place, with a convenient RSS feed, so you always know when ROSES is changing.  Recent amendments include #4: changes to program element A.3 Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry, and #3: removing the option to submit via Grants.gov for program elements with due dates after June 27th.  The solicitations page also has a link to the New Frontiers AO, and a PDF of planned future SMD solicitations.

Selections from a number of ROSES 2008 programs have been made and the numbers have posted on the ROSES 08 selections list. In many cases these include a link to the PDF of the abstracts of the selected projects, including Applied Information Systems Research (AISR), Modeling, Analysis & Prediction (MAP), and many others.  Of course the grant stats spreadsheets with selection data for can be downloaded in PDF or excel format from the grant stats page.  In addition, the grant stats page now sports plots of grades vs. who got selected for a sample of 1,597 proposals (20 ROSES program elements) reviewed in 2007 and 2008. Historically, the Science Mission Directorate has not reported on selection rates as a function of peer reviewed scores.  We are very pleased to share this data with you!

As always, a number of other changes have been made to various other things on the SARA web page, including: dozens of updates to the list of program officer contact information, an article about NASA hiring younger civil servants was posted on the science matters page, and the Advisory Committees page has a link to the NRC “Mission-Enabling Activities” study.

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