Amendment 11: Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology Programs. Final text for Appendix B.6 and no Appendix B.7 this year.

Posted by Max Bernstein at 2009/07/21 13:15:00 US/Eastern

This amendment presents the final text for Appendix B.6, Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology, which replaces the prior version in its entirety.

This amendment also announces that Appendix B.7, Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology: Strategic Capability, will not be solicited in ROSES 2009. Given that six Strategic Capabilities projects are now on-going in the LWS TR&T Program and based on input from the LWS TR&T steering committee, it was decided that the LWS TR&T Strategic Capability proposals should not be solicited this year.  Proposals may be solicited next year in ROSES 2010.

The goal of NASA’s Living With a Star (LWS) Program is to develop the scientific understanding needed for the United States to effectively address those aspects of Heliophysics science that may affect life and society. The LWS Targeted Research and Technology (TR&T) program element solicits proposals leading to a physics-based understanding of the integral system linking the Sun to the Solar System, including the impact on the heliosphere, planetary magnetospheres, and ionospheres. The TR&T program’s objectives can be achieved by data analysis, theory, and modeling, and the development of tools and methods (e.g., software for data handling). This program element contains three components: (1) Focused Science Topics, (2) Sun-Climate Theme, (3) Tools and Methods. The maximum duration of these awards are 4 years, 3 years, and 2 years, respectively. In addition, there is the Cross-Discipline Infrastructure Building category for which the maximum duration is 2 years.

The major changes to Appendix B.6 from last year’s LWS TR&T solicitation include: (1) the addition of the new Sun-Climate theme to foster cross-disciplinary investigations of connections between solar forcing and climate; (2) proposals to the Focus Science Topics category (only) must include a section entitled "Proposed Contributions to the Focus Team Effort" which should be listed in the table of contents; and (3) proposals to the Tools and Methods category (only) must include explicit language stating the deliverables, delivery site(s), and schedule.

For Appendix B.6 Notices of Intent to propose (NOIs) are still due September 18, 2009, and proposals are still due October 16, 2009.

 PDF Icon View the official ROSES program element from NSPIRES.

Further information about this program element is available from Dr. Madhulika Guhathakurta at (202) 358-1992 or lws.trt at

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