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Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Biological and Ecological Assessments


Ground Elevation Model

For More Information:

"Initial Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Digital Elevation Model Research and Development" (USGS Open File Report 2007-1034) and "Conceptual design of the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) grid" (USGS Open File Report 2007-1200).

Ground elevation data for the greater Everglades and the digital ground elevation models (DEM) derived from them form the foundation for all EDEN water depth and associated ecological/hydrologic modeling.

Thumbnail image of EDEN Digital Elevation Model
Download EDEN_EM_OCT07 Files:


This DEM was produced using the version HAED_v01 of the HAED, all available aerial height finder (AHF) data points posted to the SOFIA website as of October 2007. To create a realistic region-wide elevation model for EDEN purposes, the elevation data were segregated by Water Conservation Areas and National Park boundaries so that local trends could be isolated, sub-region specific interpolation models could be developed, and realistic breaks in elevation along sub-region boundaries could be imbedded in a final, region-wide DEM. To-date, the best performing DEMs for all subareas have been produced using the geostatistical approach called "anisotropic ordinary kriging".

The ground elevation, and therefore water depth, in the Everglades can vary by centimeters or tens of centimeters within a few meters of a given location as a result of microtopographic features. In addition, ground surface elevations in the peat soils of the Everglades can drop during droughts due to compaction as the peat dries and can rise again in the wet season with re-hydration. The elevation value for each EDEN 400m by 400m grid cell is a modelled value influenced by variation in the AHF data surrounding the grid cell. Users are cautioned to use the EDEN data appropriately for site-specific assessments.

Please note: The grid used to break up the EDEN area into equal-sized rectangles ("cells") is at a 400m by 400m resolution. While previous releases of the EDEN DEM were produced at a resolution of 60m by 60m to facilitate satellite-based research, this DEM was produced at 400m by 400m resolution and positioned to match the spatial referencing of the EDEN grid. Also note that the EDEN_EM_OCT07 file is at meter resolution, while EDENapps tools are at centimeter resolution and require a different version of the DEM. See any of the EDENapps pages to download the EDENapps version of this file.

For more information, see "Initial Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Digital Elevation Model Research and Development" (USGS Open File Report 2007-1034) and the ground elevation model release log, or contact John Jones.

Water Levels (Gage)
Ground Elevation (DEM)
- Release Log
Water Surfaces
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Photo of a water level gage

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Last updated: June 01, 2009 01:56 PM (HSH)