tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

photo of electrical receptacleResidential Sign-Up

How to Plug In

Making the Green Power Switch® is as easy as flipping a light switch. You can buy green power in 150-kilowatt-hour blocks (about 12 percent of a typical household’s monthly use). Each block you buy will add $4 to your monthly power bill, and you can buy just one block or as many as you like. The green power you pay for will be added to TVA’s electric system as part of the Valley’s total power mix.

Why does green power cost more? Because although renewable resources like sunlight and wind are free, the technology for capturing their energy is still more expensive than traditional power generation methods. By choosing to pay a little more for Green Power Switch, you help advance the technology and increase the amount of electricity generated from cleaner sources.

When you fill out the Green Power Switch enrollment form, you’ll also receive the free energy right home evaluation form. The energy right program is a cooperative effort between your local public power distributor and TVA that helps consumers make their homes more energy-efficient. It will provide you with a customized analysis of your home electricity use and detailed suggestions for potential savings.

Sign up here for Green Power Switch.




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