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Social Media

EERE offers various ways for you to connect with us and share information on energy efficiency and renewable energy with your own social media networks. The following social media applications are available:

Social Bookmarking


RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, allows you to track EERE news and other updates in your RSS reader. 
See the full list of EERE's RSS feeds.


Blogs allow writers to share personal insights on topics related to EERE, while readers can comment and discuss the topic covered in the blog post. You can join the conversation by reading and commenting on EERE's blogs.

Energy Savers Blog

The Energy Savers Blog covers consumer information on energy efficiency and renewable technologies at home, on the road, and in the workplace. This blog supports the Web site.

Technical Assistance Project (TAP) Webcast Blog

The TAP Webcast Blog provides a place for attendees of technical Web seminars—TAP Webcasts— offered by the U.S. Department of Energy to ask questions of the presenters. This blog supports the Technical Assistance Project (TAP) for state and local officials.

Widgets and Gadgets

Widgets and gadgets are small bits of information that you can place on your own Web site, blog, or social networking site. By copying the widget code into your own site, your readers will automatically see when we update the information in that widget. The following widgets and gadgets are available:

Energy Savers Blog Widget

Share headlines from entries on the Energy Savers Blog.

Financial Opportunities Widget

Display the latest solicitations posted on the EERE Web site.

EERE News iGoogle Gadget

See EERE news headlines on your personal iGoogle page.

Weekly Summer Energy Saving Tip

Display a new tip for seasonal energy savings each week. The widget tips change with the seasons.

Industrial Technologies Free Thursday Webcast Widget

Tell your readers about the free webcasts to help reduce energy use at industrial facilities, from the Industrial Technologies Program.

Technical Assistance Project Webcast Widget

Add this widget to see the topic and date of the next webcast to help state and local officials advance their energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.

Put the TAP Webcast widget on your website.

Social Bookmarking

Several EERE sites, including News and, offer you the ability to share links with your friends on various social networks. Just click on the "Share" or "Bookmark" button on the page you want to share.

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Some of the sites listed may require you to register and log in. The sites included are common social networks used throughout the Web; EERE does not endorse any of these sites.

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