United States Department of Veterans Affairs

National Center for Patient Safety

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Training & Products FAQ | National Center for Patient Safety (NCPS) FAQ | Ensuring Correct Surgery (ECS) Directive FAQ | Hand Hygiene FAQ | Patient Safety Improvement Corps (PSIC) FAQ

Training and Products FAQ

Q: Where can I get a copy of the NCPS Triage Cards™ for Root Cause Analysis?

A: The NCPS has partnered with the Chesapeake Health Education Program (CHEP), located in Perry Point, Maryland. The flipbooks; NCPS Triage Cards™ for Root Cause Analysis, Root Cause Analysis Tools, and The Healthcare Failure Modphoto of NCPS Cognitive Aids: Triage and Triggering Questions, Root Cause Analysis Tools, The Healthcare Failure Mode Effect Analysis Processe Effect Analysis Process; are available from the CHEP.

E-mail Jennifer Sheppard for more information.

In addition, the complete text content for the NCPS Cognitive Aids can be found on the NCPS web site.

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Q: I understand NCPS conducts a Root Cause Analysis/Patient Safety Improvement Training class. Is this open to non-VA employees, and if so, how can I obtain additional information?

A: NCPS' Root Cause Analysis/Patient Safety Improvement Training course is designed for VA health care employees; however, most of the information presented is broadly applicable to other health care environments. NCPS does have the authority to open registration to the general public on a space available basis and would welcome your participation in the training. There is a short waiting list for the course, though.

The 3-day workshop, conducted by expert NCPS staff, is designed to support improved clinical practice and helps participants perform systematic root cause analysis (RCA) to find the real fixable root causes of problems. It includes hands on application of concepts through many exercises and demonstrations.

Objectives - At the end of the workshop, participants will be prepared to systematically investigate adverse and sentinel events and implement an effective RCA process, and will be able to:

  • Utilize the VHA National Patient Safety Improvement Handbook general guidelines for RCAs
  • Identify critical steps in conducting an RCA
  • Utilize tools in the VHA National Patient Safety Improvement Handbook to identify and analyze factors that contribute to a given adverse/sentinel event
  • Develop an action plan for a given adverse/sentinel event
  • Provide "just in time" training for RCA team members

The tuition fee for this 3-day workshop is $1,200 USD, but does not include transportation to/from the event, hotel/lodging, or meals.

If you would like information about future RCA training courses please contact Martha Morgan at NCPS via email or phone - (734) 930-5890.

Q: How can I obtain a copy of the SPOT software?

A: NCPS' adverse event and close call reporting and analysis software, SPOT
(including pilot versions), was designed as a VA-specific application and it will not function as a stand-alone product.

Q: Can I get more detailed information on the VA? On your programs?

A: Yes. For more detailed information on the full range of the VA's programs, visit VA's Web site and NCPS Web site.

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National Center for Patient Safety FAQ

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Q: What is NCPS?

A: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Center for Patient Safety (NCPS) was established in 1999 to lead the VA's patient safety efforts and to develop and nurture a culture of safety throughout the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). NCPS' primary goal is the nationwide reduction and prevention of inadvertent harm to patients as a result of their care.

Q: How large is the organization?

A: NCPS represents a unified and cohesive patient safety program. All 158 VA hospitals actively participate in the program and it is supported by dedicated patient safety managers. Our multi-disciplinary headquarters staff is located in Ann Arbor, MI, Washington, D.C., and White River Junction, Vt., and offers expertise on an array of patient safety and related health care issues and initiatives.

Q: What is unique about NCPS' mission?

A: Our program is unique in healthcare because we use a "systems approach" to develop health care solutions based on prevention, not punishment. We use Human Factors Engineering methods and apply ideas from "high reliability" organizations, such as aviation and nuclear power, to target and eliminate system vulnerabilities.

Q: What is Human Factors Engineering?

A: Human Factors Engineering is the study of designs that are "human-centered." Such designs support or can enhance a person's performance. This is in contrast to designs that force the user to stretch or to make an extra effort to interact successfully with an interface or device. Dangerous devices may trick or mislead users into an unintentional error.

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Q: What is important about taking a systems approach to develop and implement health care solutions?

A: By taking a systems approach to problem solving, and keeping professional identities confidential, no one is blamed and problems can be thoroughly investigated. We believe that people come to work to do a good job - not to do a bad job. Given the right set of circumstances, any of us can make a mistake. We must force ourselves to look past the easy answer - that the adverse event was someone's fault. We look at the tougher question: Why did this adverse event occur? It is seldom for a single reason. A chain of events that has gone unnoticed most often leads to a recurring safety problem, regardless of the personnel involved.

Q: Did you develop the systems approach on your own?

A: No. Other high-risk industries, such as the airline and nuclear power industries, have used this approach for years to enhance safety and reduce system vulnerabilities. We continue to look for new ways to adapt the systems approach to health care.

Q: How do you investigate problems?

A: NCPS uses a multi-disciplinary team approach, known as Root Cause Analysis (RCA), to study health care-related adverse events and close calls. The goal of the RCA process is to find out what happened, why it happened and to determine what can be done to prevent it from happening again.

Q: What are close calls?

A: Close calls are events or situations that could have resulted in a patient's accident or injury, but didn't, either by chance or by timely intervention. Such events have also been referred to as near miss incidents.

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Q: How do you employ the RCA method?

A: Because people on the frontline are usually in the best position to identify issues and solutions, RCA teams at each of the VA health care facilities formulate solutions, test, implement, and measure outcomes in order to improve patient safety. De-identified, aggregated findings from the teams are shared nationwide if there is a clear benefit for multiple facilities. Through understanding the real underlying causes of a system's vulnerability, we can better position ourselves to prevent future occurrences.

Q: What are "de-identified, aggregated findings"?

A: These are findings that have been grouped together by category and have had all personal and facility names, facility locations, and other potentially identifying information removed.

Q: Can you provide an example of how you focus on prevention, not punishment?

A: Yes. One example is the Health Care Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (HFMEA ä ) program. HFMEA ä is a five-step process that uses an interdisciplinary team approach to proactively evaluate a health care process . Designed by NCPS specifically for health care, the method uses analytical tools, such as flow diagramming, decision trees, and prioritized scoring systems to identify and assess potential vulnerabilities in a specific heath care process.  

Q: Can you provide another example of how you focus on prevention, not punishment?

A: Yes. The innovative Patient Safety Reporting System (PSRS) was jointly developed by the VHA and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It is a voluntary, external, non-punitive "learning program" available to all VA employees.

PSRS provides VA employees a "safety valve" to confidentially report adverse events or close calls that, for whatever reason, wouldn't be reported elsewhere.

All personal and facility names, facility locations, and other potentially identifying information are removed before reports are entered into the PSRS database. Only NASA personnel assigned to the reporting system can review data until the de-identification process is complete.

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Q: What are the patient safety reporting systems currently being used by the Veterans Health Administration?

A: The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) currently has two systems in place for reporting medical adverse events and close calls. One system is the internal, confidential and non-punitive Patient Safety Information System. This system was implemented and is run by the VA National Center for Patient Safety (NCPS). This adverse event and close call reporting and analysis system electronically documents and monitors patient safety information throughout VHA. Using tools developed by NCPS, multidisciplinary teams from VHA facilities conduct thorough root cause analyses of these events. Corrective actions are then planned and implemented and follow up actions are used to determine if the corrective actions implemented are successful.

The other reporting system in the VHA is the Patient Safety Reporting System (PSRS). (Please see next question for more detail.)

Q: What is the Patient Safety Reporting System (PSRS)?

A: PSRS is an external voluntary system that was jointly developed by VHA and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and is designed to be complementary to VHA's internal reporting system. PSRS is designed to identify broad system vulnerabilities and act as a "safety valve" for the reporting of events that otherwise would not be reported to the internal system. This voluntary, confidential and non-punitive program is available to all VA employees for the reporting of events and concerns related to patient safety.

Further information on PSRS can be found at the PSRS web site.

Q: Is PSRS the only reporting system you use?

A: No. We have also developed an internal, confidential, non-punitive reporting method: the Patient Safety Information System, called "SPOT." The SPOT reporting and analysis system electronically documents and monitors patient safety information throughout the VHA so that corrective action may be taken. Using tools developed by NCPS, multidisciplinary teams from VHA facilities conduct a thorough Root Cause Analysis of adverse events. Corrective actions are then planned and implemented. Follow-up actions are used to determine if the corrective actions implemented were successful.

Q: Why is patient safety important?

A: Reports in medical literature indicate that as many as 180,000 deaths occur in the United States each year due to errors in medical care, many of which are preventable. The mission of NCPS is to reduce adverse medical events throughout the VA's health care system, the largest health care system in the nation. At the core of our efforts is the development of what we call a culture of safety .

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Q: What is a culture of safety?

A: Our definition of a culture of safety is founded on a systems approach to developing health care solutions based on prevention, not punishment . Creating a culture of safety means moving beyond a culture of blame to one of "safety mindfulness." We believe that people come to work to do a good job - not to do a bad job. Given the right set of circumstances, any of us can make a mistake. We must force ourselves to look past the easy answer - that an adverse event was someone's fault. We want to look at the tougher question: Why did this adverse event occur? It is seldom for a single reason. A chain of events that has gone unnoticed most often leads to a recurring safety problem, regardless of the personnel involved.

Q: What kind of reports do you routinely receive?

A: We receive reports of all types; there is no "typical" report.

Q: What is an example of a close call?

A: A surgical or other procedure almost performed on the wrong patient due to a lapse in verification of patient identification, but caught at the last minute by chance or intervention, with no harm done to the patient.  

Q: Why is reporting close calls so important?

A: Close calls are important opportunities for learning and afford the chance to develop preventive strategies and actions. Close calls receive the same level of scrutiny as adverse events that result in actual injuries. Close calls can provide an accurate picture of what actually occurs in an organization and have been shown to be anywhere from 100 to 300 times more common than actual adverse events.

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Q: When you study such things as close calls, how to you handle the data you receive?

A: We take a systems approach to reviewing the data we receive from the field. We look for system vulnerabilities, rather than focusing on counting how may problems occurred during a specific time frame. We ask ourselves why a specific problem has occurred and develop safety advisories and alerts that are of a sufficiently high priority to provide our patient safety managers with a solution.

Q: Isn't experience the best teacher to identify health care problems?

A: No. Experience can be one of the most costly and painful teachers. We want to learn how to avoid problems before they happen, rather than have patients suffer from mistakes . One of the best ways to reduce medical errors is to study a close call and to create a system to ensure the same problem is less likely to recur. A close call is where something almost goes wrong, but no harm is done. Establishing a culture of safety where people are able to report both adverse events and close calls without fear of punishment is the key to enhancing patient safety and avoiding future problems. You can't fix what you don't know about.

Q: Will your system prevent all incorrect medical procedures?

A: All medical procedures involve risk. Our systems approach to health care solutions is designed to reduce the risk to a minimum.  

Q: What do you mean by an adverse event?

A: Adverse events are untoward incidents directly associated with care or services provided within the jurisdiction of a VA medical center, outpatient clinic or other facility.

Adverse events may result from a wide range of acts of commission or omission. An event could be caused by administering the wrong medication or failing to make a timely diagnosis. Some examples of more common adverse events include patient falls or medication or procedural errors.

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Q: What is a sentinel event?

A: Sentinel events are a type of adverse event. Sentinel events, as defined by the Joint Commission, are unexpected occurrences involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or risk thereof. Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or function. Major permanent loss of function means sensory, motor, physiologic, or intellectual impairment not previously present that requires continued treatment or life-style change.

Q: Do you have a blame-free system?

A: No. We have a system that delineates what type of activities may result in blame and which don't. Only those events that are judged to be an intentionally unsafe act can result in the assignment of blame and punitive action.

Q: How do you define an intentional unsafe act?

A: Intentional unsafe acts, as they pertain to patients, are any events that result from a criminal act, a purposefully unsafe act, or an act related to alcohol or substance abuse or patient abuse.

Q: How does Human Factors Design and Usability fit into patient safety?

A: A design that is "human-centered" supports or even enhances human performance. The opposite is a design that forces the user to stretch or to make an extra effort to interact successfully with an interface or device. Dangerous devices may trip users into an unintentional error.

Usability is a measure of the design's success to support or enhance human performance. The best sort of human-centered devices are easy to use, friendly and intuitively understood. With regard to patient safety, the best devices and interfaces are produced in accordance with the principles of human-centered design and pass usability testing before implementation.

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Q: What is an example of a recent NCPS initiative?

A: The Ensuring Correct Surgery Directive is NCPS' most recent safety initiative. Wrong site, wrong patient and wrong implant procedures are relatively uncommon adverse events but often devastating when they occur. The new directive offers a simple, straight-forward, five-step procedure to avoid adverse surgical events. It went into effect Jan. 1, 2003, and is just one way the VA is achieving or exceeding the Joint Commission's new 2003 patient safety goals. Visit the Joint Commission for more information on their patient safety goals.

Q: Has your program been successful?

A: Yes. The NCPS program was tested then implemented throughout the VA system from Nov. 1999 to Aug. 2000. Program components included an RCA system for use by frontline caregivers, a system for the aggregate review of RCA results, information systems software, safety alerts and advisories, and cognitive aides. Following program implementation, NCPS saw a 900-fold increase in reporting of close calls, reflecting the level of commitment to the program by VHA leaders and staff. The importance of this approach to health care earned NCPS the prestigious Innovations in American Government Award, 2001.

Q: Have other organizations found your approach valuable?

A: Yes. Many national and international healthcare leaders have attended our patient safety training programs (when capacity allows, based on the number of VA employees attending). Participants have come from organizations such as: the Department of Defense, the American Hospital Association and the American College of Surgeons. Representatives from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand and Sweden have also attended these classes.

Q: Have you partnered with other health care activities?

A: Yes . The American Hospital Association recently produced and distributed to its member hospitals and health systems, "Strategies for Leadership: A Toolkit for Improving Patient Safety." Although the materials included in the toolkit were developed by NCPS, the toolkit is only available from AHA.

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Q: How is the VA health system rated in general?

A: The VA health system is recognized as a national leader in health care, rated by the Institute of Medicine as "the best in the nation," Oct. 2002. VA's achievements include the application of information management technology through development and widespread use of a computerized medical record system and the Bar Code Medication Administration program.

Q: How would you describe the VA health system?

A: The VA health care system includes 158 hospitals, with at least one in each of the 48 contiguous states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. The VA operates more than 850 ambulatory care and community-based outpatient clinics, 137 nursing homes, 43 domiciliaries and 73 comprehensive home-care programs. VA health care facilities provide a broad spectrum of medical, surgical and rehabilitative care.

The VA has experienced unprecedented growth in the medical system workload over the past few years. The total number of patients treated increased by over 11 percent from 2000 to 2001 -- more than twice the prior year's rate of growth.

More than 4.2 million people received care in VA health care facilities in 2001. The VA is used annually by approximately 75 percent of all disabled and low-income veterans. In 2001, the VA treated about 587,000 patients in VA hospitals and contract hospitals, 87,000 in nursing homes and 45,000 in domiciliaries. The VA's outpatient clinics registered approximately 42.9 million visits.

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Ensuring Correct Surgery Directive FAQ

See also: Ensuring Correct Surgery

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Q: One of the requirements for the consent form is that it states the reason for the procedure; what does this mean?

A: The reason can be: 1) the diagnosis, in terms understandable to the patient, or 2) the intended outcome. An example of the diagnosis is "total replacement of the left hip for advanced osteoarthritis," the reason in this case is "advanced osteoarthritis." An example of the intended outcome is "surgical release of a tendon to increase the range of motion in the left thumb." This information is included so that patients will speak up if they believe that the wrong procedure is on the form. For example, if the consent form says that the procedure is to address severe osteoarthritis and the patient knows that he has never been diagnosed with arthritis and is in the hospital for a heart procedure, it is likely that he will speak up. Keep this in mind when writing the reason on the consent form.

Q: What should we put in for the procedure site?

A: The site should be understandable to the patient. If it's an operation to repair a patellar fracture, you also should note that this is the kneecap. Many patients will not know the medical names for parts of the body. Be sure to include the side (left or right, if applicable) when you indicate the site.

Marking the site

Q: Why do we have to mark all sites, even ones on the midline, like for a coronary artery bypass graft?

A: Because the correct patient getting the correct operation on the wrong side is not the only thing we need to prevent. Over 50% of incorrect surgeries are not laterality mistakes but something else, such as the wrong patient or wrong procedure. In fact, in a review of the VA database, 36% of the incorrect surgeries were done to the wrong patient, usually one who was scheduled to get a different procedure. A patient is likely to speak up if he understands that he is supposed to have an operation on his chest at the midline and the surgeon wants to mark a site on his abdomen or leg.

Q: What kind of pen or marker should we use?

A: A non-toxic marker that meets FDA requirements for medical use and will not wash off when the site is prepped can be used for marking the site. For instance, surgical pens are available from surgical supply houses.

Q: Is it Ok to re-use markers? Does the marker have to be sterile?

A: We searched the literature on this topic. There is no evidence that markers have transmitted disease from one patient to another. The site will be prepped with an antiseptic after the mark has been applied. But just in case, common sense would dictate that if a mark is being applied to a patient's broken skin or to a patient known to have acommunicable skin disease, the marker should be discarded after that use.

Q: How about marking the skin of patients with very dark skin?

A: It is true that the mark may not be as readily apparent as the mark on a light-skinned patient, but a dark blue or black marker will provide a discernible mark on any patient. If the mark is not visible and the staff or patient are concerned, a special-purpose wristband can be used in addition to the mark.

Q: Other than a physician, what kind of privileged providers can mark a site?

A: It must be a privileged provider that is scrubbed in as part of the OR team and scheduled to be in the OR for the procedure. Depending on local VA facility policies, privileged providers may include, for example, Podiatrists, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants.

Q: What if the person who marked the site is not available to do the surgery?

A: The absence of the person who marked the site is not a reason to cancel the operation. If the person who marked the site cannot participate in the surgery as planned, then the surgery should take place with another provider filling in, if this would normally occur. The change in staff should be documented and discussed in the "time-out" in the OR. It is expected that this would be an unusual occurrence.

Q: What kind of mark is acceptable?

A: We recommend that the physician or other privileged provider use their two or three letter initials. Other options are to use an "X" or the word "YES." It is strongly recommended that only one of these three options is adopted for each facility and used consistently. The most important thing is that the mark be unambiguous.

Q. Where should we mark?

A. The mark should be as close as possible to the site of the incision. A significant fraction of incorrect site surgeries are on sites close to the intended site, for example the wrong intervertebral space, the wrong finger on the correct hand, or the wrong side of the knee. Marking very close to the site (on the correct finger) rather than just in the general area (like the back of the hand for an procedure involving the finger) can help prevent some wrong site surgeries.

Q: How about marking embarrassing sites?

A: You must mark the site or very near to it. A surprising number of the incorrect surgeries in VA over the last three years have been to sites in the groin, genitals, or somewhere on the buttocks. Patients with illnesses or other medical problems in these areas are used to having themselves examined in otherwise private areas. If an awkward conversation is necessary to do this, contrast this with how unpleasant it would be to explain to the patient why the wrong side of his scrotum was operated on or why his hemorrhoid was removed when he was scheduled for surgery on his lower back. If the patient doesn't want his or her site marked then a special-purpose wristband can be used instead. A special purpose wristband can also be used when it is clinically impossible to mark a site due to broken skin, etc. A special purpose wristband should not be used instead of a mark solely based on convenience of the practitioner or reluctance of the practitioner to mark a site (in the absence of reluctance from the patient).

Patient Identification: Asking the Patient Questions

Q. Why do we have to ask the patient to state their name instead of just having the patient confirm their name?

A: People sometimes say "yes" or mumble affirmatively to incorrect information, such as a name that sounds similar to their own. Some patients are also hard of hearing or may not be listening carefully to what seems like another routine question. Making the patient state their name and other identifying information and having the nurse or other caregiver check the answers is a better approach and the required step.

Q: Where and when should the patient identification step occur?

A: We believe that the best time to do this is just before the patient is wheeled into the OR. This minimizes the chance of a patient mix-up occurring in a holding area or hallway after the patient has stated their identifying information but before they are brought into the OR. This is especially important in cases where a number of patients will be operated on in relatively quick succession and on the same general site, as in eye or knee procedures. The data suggest that eye operations are especially vulnerable to wrong-patient, wrong side, and wrong-implant mix-ups - especially when the patient has disease on both sides but only one side is scheduled for surgery on that day.


Q: Does the patient have to be awake for this?

A: No. The interactions at this point involve only the personnel in the operating room, (i.e., anesthesia, nursing, and surgical staff.) Since the patient does not participate in this step, there is no need to try to keep the patient awake.

Q: How do we check the implant in the cases when it isn't supposed to be in the room at the outset of the procedure?

A: Obviously you can't check what is not present. People should be aware of this special vulnerability. Separately, it is important to verify prior to starting the procedure that the implant/prostheses that may be required are readily available on-site in the immediate area.

Checking Imaging

Q: What are we supposed to do when we check images?

A: Check that it is the correct patient, correct site, correct image (for example a recent image rather than an old one), and that the image is oriented correctly and labeled as to the patient's identity and side.


Q: Does this Directive apply to invasive procedures such as chest tubes?

A: Yes. Attachment E of Directive 2004-028 lists the invasive procedures to which the Directive applies.

Q: Are wrong surgeries really a problem? How often does this really happen?

A: This is not the biggest issue in patient safety, but it is not trivial. In 2001 in New York State a wrong surgery occurred at a rate of 1 in 15,500 surgeries. In VA in 2001 it was about 1 in 30,000 surgeries; that's about one a month. We cannot be satisfied with this rate. We, and those at the pilot test sites, believe that these steps will significantly reduce the incidence of wrong surgeries in VA. We also hope that others will find our approach useful. Return to top of page


Hand Hygiene Information and Tools FAQ

See also: Hand Hygiene Information and Tools

Q: What is this material?

A: It is a collection of reference documents and tools to help health care providers and others to understand and respond appropriately to: The CDC Guideline on Hand Hygiene in Health Care Settings; the Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal on Preventing Nosocomial Infections; and the VHA Directive on Hand Hygiene Practices.

Q: Why will this material be useful?

A: The material has the potential to save time and effort. Included are pointers to useful information and summaries and tools that can be used as-is or as a starting point for creating your own references.

Q: Where did these materials come from?

A: The VA-developed documents came primarily from the VA-3M Six Sigma Hand Hygiene project and the VA "Infection: Don't Pass it on" campaign. The material has been collected since the CDC Guideline was issued in October 2002.

Q: Why was this material assembled?

A: It was assembled to support the implementation of the VHA Directive on Hand Hygiene Practices, effective Mar. 1, 2005.

Q: Who assembled the material?

A: Primarily Noel Eldridge, NCPS executive officer. Questions or input can be e-mailed to Noel. Return to top of page


National Patient Safety Improvement Corps (PSIC) FAQ

Information on the interagency agreement (IAA) between the Dept. of Health and Human Services' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Dept. of Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for Patient Safety (NCPS).

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Q: What is the purpose of the interagency agreement?

A: To provide tools and techniques to improve patient safety on a national scale.

Q: What are the goals of the training program?

A: The PSIC training program has a number interrelated of goals:

  1. Provide state staff in the field (e.g., patient safety officers or those responsible for patient safety reporting and analysis, as well as for intervention initiatives) and their hospital counterparts (as selected by the state) with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective investigations of adverse medical events and close calls (sometimes called "near misses") by identifying the root causes of these incidents, and, most importantly, prepare them to implement meaningful corrective actions based on their findings. They will also be able to do proactive risk assessments and develop and implement corresponding mitigation initiatives.
  2. Prepare meaningful reports on their findings.
  3. Develop and implement sustainable system changes based on findings.
  4. Measure and evaluate the impact of the safety intervention (i.e., that will mitigate, reduce, or eliminate the opportunity for error and patient injury associated with or due to the delivery of health care).
  5. Ensure the sustainability of effective interventions by transforming them into standard practice.

Q: Why is patient safety so important?

A: Patient safety is a critical aspect of healthcare. An Institute of Medicine report published in 1999, To Err is Human , estimates that 44,000 to 98,000 people each year die from medical errors. Even the lower estimate is higher than the annual mortality from motor vehicle accidents (43,458), breast cancer (42,297), or AIDS (16,516), thus making medical errors the eighth leading cause of death in the United States.

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Q: Why is it important to develop this training program now?

A: States anticipate growing responsibilities to analyze reported adverse medical events and close calls, as well as to develop methods to eliminate or reduce injury to patients associated with these events. However, state representatives have noted a lack of resources, both financial and personnel, to adequately address these issues, strongly expressing a need for technical assistance with their efforts to improve patient safety. In response, AHRQ developed a concept ¾ the Patient Safety Improvement Corps ¾ that was designed to provide states and their selected hospital counterparts with training and technical assistance to support efforts to identify, analyze, and reduce medical adverse events and close calls ¾ a major step in eliminating patient injury associated with the delivery of healthcare.

Q: How will the program be implemented?

A: NCPS will develop practical patient safety training sessions for state staff members and their selected partners. These individuals will then implement patient safety improvement processes within their respective states and institutions.

Q: Could you discuss this in more detail?

A: Yes. The content and structure of the program is driven primarily by the need to provide practical, short-term training for state staff in the field who are charged with analyzing reported data reflecting patient injury (or potential for injury) associated with the delivery of healthcare. It will help them identify the causes (i.e., risks, hazards, medical errors) of healthcare-associated injury (or potential injury) and develop interventions to reduce or eliminate those causes. Students will also learn how to assess the effectiveness of interventions to better ensure the sustainability of effective interventions that improve patient safety.

Q: How long is the program expected to last?

A: Three identical training courses, each of which lasts one year, will be offered from September 2003 through June 2006.

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Q: When will the first training sessions be scheduled?

A: The first session begins the week of September 15, 2003 in Crystal City, Va.

Q: How does this training program approach problems in patient safety?

A: This program is based on a systems approach to problem solving. It focuses on prevention, not punishment. It uses Human Factors Engineering methods and applies ideas from "high reliability" organizations, such as aviation and nuclear power, to target and eliminate system vulnerabilities.

Q: Why is a systems approach important to safety?

A: We believe that people come to work to do a good job, not a bad one. Given the right set of circumstances, any of us can make a mistake. We must force ourselves to look past the easy answer ¾ that the adverse event was someone's fault. We look at the tougher question: Why did this adverse event occur? It is seldom for a single reason. A chain of events that has gone unnoticed most often leads to a recurring safety problem and is seldom related to the actions of one individual.

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