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Map and Records Center services

The King County Road Services Division Map and Records Center maintains mapping and historical survey data concerning roadway establishments, drainage plans, plats, road construction plan and profiles and various other maps. In addition, the Map Counter makes available copies of topographic maps from the USGS, engineer's maps from individual plat maps and section corner locations. Typical services provided for purchase include copies of:
  • Records of road establishments
  • Survey field books of county surveys
  • Road inspection books for some early road projects
  • County road design and as-built plan sets
  • Horizontal and vertical data from KCAS datum
  • GLO field notes and copies of original territorial township plat maps
  • Maps of recorded plats in the unincorporated county
  • Construction plans within the unincorporated county
  • Topography maps
  • Contract bid documents
  • Environmental documentation
  • King County Road Standards

Map Counter price guide

Many of the services listed can be accomplished via the U.S. Postal Service. Please see the Map Counter price guide or contact the Map Counter for specific information and pricing guidelines:

Telephone: 206-296-6548
Facsimile: 206-205-7350

The Map Counter Personnel routinely reference locations within the County by referencing the quarter section, section, township and range of the area to be researched. This description can be located using various documents, such as a Deed of Trust, Tax Statement, Kroll Map, Assessor Map, Plat Map, etc.

Available maps

Plat maps

These maps are legal documents that are filed with the County. They show the survey data, legal descriptions, restrictions, easement provisions, dedications, covenants (if any), roadway rights-of-way, lots, tracts and any other information pertaining to the plat. These maps may be ordered by Plat Name.

The Map Counter does not maintain a complete file of all plats recorded within King County. If the Map Counter does not hold your particular map, a copy may be obtained from the Records Division of the Recorder's Office. The Recorder's Office is located on the 3rd floor of the King County Administration Building (500 Fourth Avenue; Seattle, WA 98104) and can be reached at 206-296-1570.

The scale on these maps varies. The finished size is 18" x 24".

Engineer's maps

Each map covers an entire Section (approximately one square mile), and can be ordered by section, township and range. They show formal and short plats, rights-of-way, section breakdowns (bearings and distances when available), bearings and distances of most rights-of-way, access easements, road vacations, road establishments, references to road papers, and other sources of road information.

The scale is 1 inch = 200 feet. The finished size is 34" x 36'.

Construction plans

These sheets show roadway plans and profiles. Some older plans have profiles on separate sheets. Since there are sometimes several different plan sets for each road, and some roads are divided into several sections and phases, and the number of sheets varies, it is advisable to come into the Map Counter and inspect any plans you are interested in prior to purchasing. The finished size is usually 24" x 36".

Topography maps

There are several different series of maps covering many areas of the County at different scales. Most of these maps are older, 1963 to 1973, and are not updated. However, contours in general do not change. It is advisable to check these maps to see if the contour interval is suitable for your purposes prior to purchasing. Their finished size is 36" x 60".

Planimetric maps

There are six (6) maps in this series. Four (4) maps cover the west half of the county (42" x 60"). One (1) map covers Vashon Island, and one (1) map covers both the Enumclaw area and the Skykomish area (36" x 60"). These maps show roads, water, boundaries of incorporated areas and the County Boundary. Not all roads are named or numbered. The scale on the maps is 1 inch = 2,000 feet.

Road index maps

There are 43 maps in this series. These maps show all of the King County maintained roads. No private roads are shown. The only roads shown in an incorporated area are in SeaTac, Federal Way and Newcastle. All roads are named or numbered. Also, road log numbers are shown. Road surfacing type is also indicated. These maps are updated once a year, usually in the spring. The finished size is 36" x 48". Smaller sizes are also available. The scale for the maps is as follows:

  • Sheets 1 to 4 — 1 inch = 1 mile
  • All other sheets — 6 inch = 1 mile

Map Counter location and other information

The Road Services Division offices, along with the rest of the Department of Transportation, relocated to Seattle's Pioneer Square in mid-1999. The Map and Records Center (get directions) is located in the King Street Center building, which is on the east side of Second Avenue between South Jackson and South King Streets. There is limited public parking in the building off of South King Street. For bus information, check Metro Transit Online . The International District Tunnel Station is just a few blocks away.

King County Road Services Division
Map and Information Services, MS KSC-0106
201 South Jackson Street, 1st Floor
Seattle, WA 98104-3856
Telephone: 206-296-6548
Facsimile: 206-205-7350

Map & Records Center brochure

Download a copy of the Map & Records Center brochure. (3MB Acrobat .pdf)

Updated: Sept. 19, 2007

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Related topics
Directions to the Map Counter
Map Counter Price Guide
Map & Records Center brochure (3MB Acrobat .pdf)
Road Index Maps
GIS Center

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